Why Mental Health Awareness Matters and How You Can Make a Difference

Why Mental Health Awareness Matters and How You Can Make a Difference

Mental health is not just a personal concern but a collective responsibility. Despite growing conversations around it, mental health remains misunderstood, under-resourced, and stigmatized. Raising awareness is more than sharing…

Unlock Emotional Intelligence Using the Feelings Wheel

Unlock Emotional Intelligence Using the Feelings Wheel

In a world where responsibilities and distractions often compete for our attention, it’s easy to overlook a vital component of our well-being: our emotional health. Many people find it challenging…

From Self-Care to Altruism: Mastering the Power of Compassion

From Self-Care to Altruism: Mastering the Power of Compassion

Compassion is a profound emotional response that connects us to others—a genuine desire for their well-being and a willingness to alleviate suffering. At its core, however, compassion begins within us,…

Building Lasting Relationships Through Words of Affirmation

Building Lasting Relationships Through Words of Affirmation

Words have the power to lift us up or tear us down, and nowhere is this more true than in our closest relationships. Understanding how language shapes our emotional connections…

How to Develop Resilience: Key Steps for Thriving Through Adversity

How to Develop Resilience: Key Steps for Thriving Through Adversity

Resilience is the key to transforming challenges into opportunities for personal growth. It’s not just about bouncing back from setbacks—it’s about thriving despite them. Resilience is not something you either…

A Guide to Self-Love: From Overcoming Doubt to System-Based Growth

A Guide to Self-Love: From Overcoming Doubt to System-Based Growth

Self-love is a topic we hear about often, but putting it into practice can feel elusive, like trying to hold onto something that keeps slipping away. You know it’s there,…

A Practical Guide to Understanding Anxiety and Managing It Effectively

A Practical Guide to Understanding Anxiety and Managing It Effectively

Anxiety is something most of us are familiar with in one way or another. It can feel like a storm inside your mind, making even simple things feel overwhelming. Anxiety…

What is Breathwork And How Does It Work (A Beginner's Guide)

What is Breathwork And How Does It Work (A Beginner’s Guide)

Did you know that your body came equipped with a powerful tool that allows you to reduce your stress, anxiety, and even depression within minutes? This same tool can also…

5 Proven Risk-Taking Tips To Take More Chances In Life

5 Proven Risk-Taking Tips To Take More Chances In Life

Most of us want to have better experiences than we might have had in the past or be currently experiencing today. This can often involve needing to step into situations…

15 Benefits of Keeping a Mindfulness Journal (& How To Start)

15 Benefits of Keeping a Mindfulness Journal (& How To Start)

Mindfulness is an act of being aware. If you can be aware of your environment and things in your life, then having a mindfulness journal will do good for your…

15 Rare Traits That Set a High-Flyer Apart

15 Rare Traits That Set a High-Flyer Apart

High-flyers are described as individuals who perform above and beyond what is expected and, in doing so, typically reap a substantial sum of the rewards. But what exactly makes high-flyers…

What Is Post-Pandemic Stress Disorder And How To Cope

What Is Post-Pandemic Stress Disorder And How To Cope

Post-pandemic stress disorder refers to a mental health condition that is triggered following the end of a pandemic. Similar to symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder, symptoms of post-pandemic stress disorder…

Why Your Attitude Is Everything: 3 Attitudes You Need To Have

Why Your Attitude Is Everything: 3 Attitudes You Need To Have

Attitude is everything – my dad used to say those words to me when I was being a sore loser after losing in a game or sports. As I got…

6 Foods That Are Good For Beating Depression By An Expert

6 Foods That Are Good For Beating Depression By An Expert

No single diet has proven its ability to relieve depression, though some have tried. Rather than relying on one specific food or nutrient to ease your depression symptoms, you should…

8 Greatest Obstacles In Life You Must Overcome To Be Successful

8 Greatest Obstacles In Life You Must Overcome To Be Successful

Whether it’s planning a public speech or a kid’s birthday party, our intentions lean toward success no matter the endeavor. And whatever success we are hoping to attain, there will…

5 Types of Happiness You Can Experience in Life

5 Types of Happiness You Can Experience in Life

Happiness is an emotional state, which is characterized by feelings of joy, fulfillment, or satisfaction. But did you know there are different types of happiness? That’s right. Happiness is not…

Reactive Vs Proactive: The Differences & How to Be Proactive

Reactive Vs Proactive: The Differences & How to Be Proactive

For us to know how to be proactive and not reactive, we first need to know what these terms mean. When we are reactive to problems, we react to previous…

How To Work Through Grief: 7 Coping Strategies For Loss

How To Work Through Grief: 7 Coping Strategies For Loss

It’s hard to write about experts’ opinions and views on how to work through grief because how we feel and deal with grief is a very individual experience. That is…

What Are Adaptability Skills And How To Upgrade Yours

What Are Adaptability Skills And How To Upgrade Yours

There is one secret to success that no one talks about by name—it’s the power of adaptability. And when you find how to upgrade yours, there your greatness lies. So,…

How Childhood Trauma Affects Us in Adulthood

How Childhood Trauma Affects Us in Adulthood

According to research, two-thirds of us have experienced at least one adverse childhood event. Did you know these instances of childhood trauma continue to impact us as adults? Trauma describes…

What is Tenacity and How to Use It To Be Successful

What is Tenacity and How to Use It To Be Successful

Do you ever feel like life is passing you by and you don’t have the same energy as others? Maybe you have seen people push for new opportunities with ease,…

5 Ways to Protect Your Mental Health from Social Media

5 Ways to Protect Your Mental Health from Social Media

Social media is a wonderful tool for connection and opening our hearts and minds; it’s also a great outlet for creativity, gathering information, learning, and doing business. However, if we…

How to Silence the Impostor Syndrome

How to Silence the Impostor Syndrome

Do you ever worry about being exposed as a “fraud?” You’re not alone. It’s actually quite common for people to feel like imposters. In fact, approximately 70 percent of people…

Mindfulness VS Meditation: 7 Key Differences

Mindfulness VS Meditation: 7 Key Differences

The terms mindfulness and meditation are often used interchangeably, but they’re not the same. So what’s the difference? Is mindfulness the same as meditation? There’s a disagreement in the scientific…

10 Things To Do When You're Angry At Yourself (For Your Mistakes)

10 Things To Do When You’re Angry At Yourself (For Your Mistakes)

When you make a mistake, you quickly forget all the wins and praise lauded on you over the years. Make one measly mistake and it’s all you can think about….

Mind And Body Connection: 6 Tips On Strengthening The Bond

Mind And Body Connection: 6 Tips On Strengthening The Bond

Do you believe it is possible to have a positive self-image? Is it plausible that our mental perception of the world is guiding our immune system in a way that…

How to Get Over the Fear Of Responsibility And Achieve More in Life

How to Get Over the Fear Of Responsibility And Achieve More in Life

At a certain point we all stop, we quit making the moves that got us ahead, we find comfort and seek not to challenge the status quo. This is all…

What Causes Morning Depression and How to Overcome it

What Causes Morning Depression and How to Overcome it

Depression can feel worse at different times of the day. We all cope differently and while most feel the curtain falling on them at night, depression can happen just as…

Why the 10-80-10 Rule Is Key To Achieving Success

Why the 10-80-10 Rule Is Key To Achieving Success

The 10-80-10 rule is an extension of the Pareto principle that says 80% of productivity/wealth is generated/owned by 20% of the population. This ratio is often observable in various statistics…

How to Rest Your Brain For A Much Needed Break

How to Rest Your Brain For A Much Needed Break

Most of us work hard to do our best in our careers. Always on the go trying to reach our goals to have a better, comfortable, and happy life. However,…

9 Ways to Overcome Fear of Uncertainty Effectively

9 Ways to Overcome Fear of Uncertainty Effectively

The pandemic hit, the Great Resignation is happening, nobody knows if the current market hiccups are just that or an early sign of the bear market. There’s a lot going…

5 Ways to Prevent Yourself From Catastrophic Thinking

5 Ways to Prevent Yourself From Catastrophic Thinking

Catastrophic thinking, in its simplest form, is when an individual assumes the worst will come true. It is when a person sees an unfavorable outcome of an event and then…

How Being Too Nice Ruins Your Success And Happiness

How Being Too Nice Ruins Your Success And Happiness

Watch any feel-good movie, and that nice main character is going to get dumped on at some stage in the movie. Their boss might be straight out of The Devil…

How Sleep Meditation Can Calm Your Nighttime Anxiety

How Sleep Meditation Can Calm Your Nighttime Anxiety

Most of us at some time or another have experienced difficulties with sleep. Relentless thoughts can create stress and frustration, wasting our valuable rest time. Are you ready to gently…

What Is the Circle of Control (And How to Use It to Stop Feeling Powerless)

What Is the Circle of Control (And How to Use It to Stop Feeling Powerless)

I am a staunch believer in the saying, “Strike a balance.” However, I try not to dwell too much on events beyond my control. My gardener taught me that! When…

How to Focus With ADHD: 7 Practical Strategies

How to Focus With ADHD: 7 Practical Strategies

In a world buzzing with infinite distractions, keeping our attention focused feels like a Herculean task. Add the ongoing battles of ADHD into this equation, and the challenge escalates to…

What Is Opportunity Cost And How to Calculate It?

What Is Opportunity Cost And How to Calculate It?

In our modern world, there are endless alternatives. Therefore, it’s difficult to choose an opportunity that is right for you. Have you ever found yourself wondering whether you should quit…


Are Depression And Procrastination Connected?

Mental health and productivity, two cornerstones of a balanced life, often play tug of war. When one falters, the other seems to stumble too. Major Depressive Disorder (MDD), the heavyweight…

Think Like Elon Musk With First Principles Thinking

Think Like Elon Musk With First Principles Thinking

First Principles Thinking or reasoning from first principles is one of the best strategies to use for breaking down complex problems and coming up with original solutions. It’s also one…


How to Snap Out of Procrastination With ADHD

ADHD is more than just a buzzword. It’s a real, brain-based condition that affects millions of kids and adults alike. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention tells us that…