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Fitness Products for Home Workouts – Welcome to How2Fit!

Why We’re Here At How2Fit, we’re passionate about helping you reach your fitness goals with practical tips, motivation, and the right fitness gear. Whether you’re starting your fitness journey or…

Why Yoga And Meditation Belong Together

Why Yoga And Meditation Belong Together

As mind-body practices, yoga and meditation provide many benefits. However, if you practice one without the other, you might not be getting the most out of either habit. You can…

Turn Your Bathroom Into a Hot Yoga Room in 5 Easy Steps

Turn Your Bathroom Into a Hot Yoga Room in 5 Easy Steps

Adopting a hot yoga practice doesn’t have to mean spending tons of money on a studio membership or splicing your busy schedule to get to class. You can do budget-friendly…

7 Yoga Poses to Boost Recovery and Performance

7 Yoga Poses to Boost Recovery and Performance

Yoga has a variety of benefits for anyone who steps onto their mat. Whether you’re a runner, cyclist, or lifter, yoga for athletes can help improve recovery, mobility, focus, and…

I Was a Skeptic Who Tried Somatic Yoga to Heal From Grief, and the Results Were Shocking

I Was a Skeptic Who Tried Somatic Yoga to Heal From Grief, and the Results Were Shocking

I was on the acupuncture table, face up, while my doctor pushed with both hands on the side of my stomach. “Oh wow,” he said. “You’re holding a lot of…

The 8 Best Yoga Ball Exercises to Strengthen Your Abs

The 8 Best Yoga Ball Exercises to Strengthen Your Abs

If you’re looking to upgrade your core workout, it’s time to grab a yoga ball ($17). Working your abs with a yoga ball not only switches up your routine, but…

6 Surprising Benefits of Hot Yoga That’ll Convince You to Sweat It Out

6 Surprising Benefits of Hot Yoga That’ll Convince You to Sweat It Out

Hot sculpt, hot spin, hot barre, and hot pilates classes are popping up everywhere. It’s as if the fitness world collectively decided the more sweat the better. As the heat…

A 10-Minute Yoga Flow to Destress While Traveling for the Holidays

A 10-Minute Yoga Flow to Destress While Traveling for the Holidays

Holiday travel can be a whirlwind—crowded airports, endless car rides, and family chaos. Whether you’re on the go or hosting a full house, finding time for yourself can feel impossible….

Should You Do Yoga Before or After a Workout? Here’s What the Experts Say

Should You Do Yoga Before or After a Workout? Here’s What the Experts Say

Blending yoga with other forms of exercise is becoming increasingly popular as more people discover the benefits of combining strength, cardio, and flexibility training. But when it comes to incorporating…

The 6 Best Yoga Poses to Relieve Period Cramps, According to an Instructor

The 6 Best Yoga Poses to Relieve Period Cramps, According to an Instructor

Periods can be a real pain—literally. Cramps, bloating, and mood swings can make you want to curl up and cancel your day. But before you reach for a heating pad…

The Yogi Squat Is the Hip-Opening Yoga Pose You Should Add to Your Practice ASAP

The Yogi Squat Is the Hip-Opening Yoga Pose You Should Add to Your Practice ASAP

If you sit for extended periods of time during the day—like during your commute or at a desk—chances are you may have tight hip flexors. That’s because sitting reduces your…

Relax and Unwind With Somatic Yoga. Here’s How, Plus the 5 Best Poses to Try

Relax and Unwind With Somatic Yoga. Here’s How, Plus the 5 Best Poses to Try

Yoga that’s truly relaxing and meditative can be surprisingly hard to find these days. (If you’ve ever found yourself doing biceps curls in a “yoga” class, you know what I’m…

Doing Yoga With Weights (aka Yoga Sculpt) Is the Workout Your Routine Is Missing

Doing Yoga With Weights (aka Yoga Sculpt) Is the Workout Your Routine Is Missing

Whether it’s goats, swings or paddle boards, it can seem like a new form of yoga debuts every week. But one version has found a foothold in studios worldwide: yoga…

‘I’m a Hot Yoga Instructor, and Here’s How I Rehydrate After a Particularly Sweaty Class’

‘I’m a Hot Yoga Instructor, and Here’s How I Rehydrate After a Particularly Sweaty Class’

Ever walked out of a hot yoga class feeling like you’ve just taken a swim rather than completed a workout? Um, same. Heated yoga offers plenty of benefits—improved flexibility, stress…

3 Ways Having Kids Made My Yoga Practice Stronger Than Ever

3 Ways Having Kids Made My Yoga Practice Stronger Than Ever

When I got pregnant with my first daughter, I knew my yoga practice (and, well, my whole life) would change. As a yoga teacher, I worried I wouldn’t feel “myself”…

Yoga Is Really a Breath Practice. Here’s How to Make Sure You’re Doing It Right

Yoga Is Really a Breath Practice. Here’s How to Make Sure You’re Doing It Right

If yoga has a PR person, they’re doing a great job. In TV shows and movies, the practice always seems so gentle and simple. And in many ways, it is….

This 2-Week Yoga Series *Seriously* Boosted My Libido and Reduced My Stress Levels All at Once

This 2-Week Yoga Series *Seriously* Boosted My Libido and Reduced My Stress Levels All at Once

As a sex educator and long-time queer sex journalist who helps people improve their sex lives through workshops, articles, and one-on-one sessions, I have an overflowing toolbox of tips and…

4 Things Holding You Back From *Still* Not Being Able to Do Cobra Pose—and What to Do About It

4 Things Holding You Back From *Still* Not Being Able to Do Cobra Pose—and What to Do About It

Many of us have a yoga pose we actively avoid or dread doing because it feels hard (not in a good way) or even painful to do. Cobra pose (Bhujangasana…

The 60-Second Exercise One of TikTok’s Top Doctors Does 3 Times a Week for Better Foot Health

The 60-Second Exercise One of TikTok’s Top Doctors Does 3 Times a Week for Better Foot Health

Mike Varshavski, DO, more commonly known as “Dr. Mike” to his 25 million social media followers, spends his days seeing patients as well as dispensing health wisdom and battling medical…

Do Yoga Sculpt Classes Count as ‘Real Yoga?’ 4 Yoga Teachers Weigh In

Do Yoga Sculpt Classes Count as ‘Real Yoga?’ 4 Yoga Teachers Weigh In

After a grueling “yoga sculpt” session that involved so many push-ups that I wasn’t sure I’d be able to roll out of bed properly the next day, I rushed off…

If You’re Experiencing Incontinence, Consider Swapping Kegels for These 10 Yoga Poses

If You’re Experiencing Incontinence, Consider Swapping Kegels for These 10 Yoga Poses

If you find yourself the butt of irritating “mom always has to pee” jokes, tell those jokers to can it. For one thing, having children is a common cause of…

Channel Your Inner Ariel With Mermaid Pose—Here’s How to Add It to Your Yoga Practice

Channel Your Inner Ariel With Mermaid Pose—Here’s How to Add It to Your Yoga Practice

Mermaid pose (Eka Pada Rajakapotasana in Sanskrit) is a graceful and challenging yoga posture that beautifully combines flexibility, strength, and balance. It’s a deep hip opener that also targets your…

8 Benefits of Yoga That’ll Convince You to Dust Off Your Mat and Find Your Calm

8 Benefits of Yoga That’ll Convince You to Dust Off Your Mat and Find Your Calm

Maybe you picked up yoga during the pandemic and then the habit petered out once the restrictions were lifted—or you’ve never given it a try but feel like you may…

The 1 Trick That Can Make These 5 Popular Yoga Poses More Effective

The 1 Trick That Can Make These 5 Popular Yoga Poses More Effective

Have you ever done certain yoga poses and felt like you just weren’t doing them “right?” Or, to put it another way, not as effectively as you could be? Second…

How to Do a Pancake Stretch (Seated Wide-Legged Forward Fold)

How to Do a Pancake Stretch (Seated Wide-Legged Forward Fold)

The seated wide-legged forward fold — commonly referred to as the pancake stretch — is a foundational pose that, when fully expressed, demonstrates serious flexibility. Also known by its Sanskrit…

How to Do Seated Forward Bend in Yoga (Paschimottanasana)

How to Do Seated Forward Bend in Yoga (Paschimottanasana)

How to Do Seated Forward Bend in Yoga ? As a yoga teacher and naturally flexible person, I’m often told by people that they don’t practice yoga because they’re not…

Hot Yoga Isn’t Any Better for You Than Regular Yoga. So Why Do We Love It So Much?

Hot Yoga Isn’t Any Better for You Than Regular Yoga. So Why Do We Love It So Much?

At age 15, I attended my first yoga class with my dad, who’d been going on and on about how much better he felt mentally and physically since he started…

How to Do Tree Pose in Yoga (Vrksasana)

How to Do Tree Pose in Yoga (Vrksasana)

Tree pose is an iconic balancing posture in yoga. Known in Sanskrit as vrksasana (also spelled vriksasana and vrikshasana), tree pose “is one of the first balance poses a practitioner learns…

10 Most Common Yoga Form Mistakes You're Probably Making

10 Most Common Yoga Form Mistakes You’re Probably Making

Yoga is truly for every body. But doing yoga the “right” way, with an emphasis on proper breathing, alignment, and form, can help ensure you reap yoga’s benefits while keeping your…

Tight, Achy Neck? Melt Away the Discomfort With These 5 Yoga Poses

Tight, Achy Neck? Melt Away the Discomfort With These 5 Yoga Poses

There’s a reason an especially annoying situation (or person) is called a “pain in the neck.” Neck pain, while common and usually not a cause for concern, can really ruin…

12 Hip Mobility Exercises to Loosen Tight Hips

12 Hip Mobility Exercises to Loosen Tight Hips

12 Hip Mobility Exercises to Loosen Tight Hips | BODi Skip to content 2. Catcher’s Shift  4. Rotating Hip Stretch  6. Lying Scorpion Twist  12. Hip Quad…

World's Greatest Stretch: Instructions, Tips, and Modifications

World’s Greatest Stretch: Instructions, Tips, and Modifications

Although there are many outstanding stretches in a dynamic-warmup that can prepare you for a workout, only one holds the title of the “world’s greatest stretch.” That’s because this particular…

Cow Face Pose (Gomukhasana): Instructions, Tips, & Modifications

Cow Face Pose (Gomukhasana): Instructions, Tips, & Modifications

Cow face pose (gomukhasana in Sanskrit) is a wonderful posture that opens the shoulders and stretches the glutes. If this seated pose asks more than your knees and hips can fully…

Eagle Pose in Yoga Requires Flexibility, Balance, and Concentration—Here’s How to Do It

Eagle Pose in Yoga Requires Flexibility, Balance, and Concentration—Here’s How to Do It

There are certain foundational yoga poses that exemplify yoga as a practice, and eagle is one of them. This standing pose is unique in that it has so many different…

Lizard Pose Doesn’t Just Stretch You Head To Tail—It’s An *Amazing* Hip-Opener, Too

Lizard Pose Doesn’t Just Stretch You Head To Tail—It’s An *Amazing* Hip-Opener, Too

Our hips do a lot for us: They help us walk, stand, and sit comfortably; they can hold our trauma; they provide a stable base for our spine. So it’s…

Release All Your Upper-Body Tension With Thread the Needle Pose

Release All Your Upper-Body Tension With Thread the Needle Pose

Most of us hold our stress and tension in our shoulders, neck, and upper back (the trio of tightness, if you will). Wouldn’t it be nice if there was a…

How to Do Eagle Pose in Yoga (Garudasana)

How to Do Eagle Pose in Yoga (Garudasana)

How to do Eagle pose in yoga? (garudasana in Sanskrit) makes you feel like you’re being twisted like a pretzel but in the best possible way. The classic version of…

How to Do Bow Pose in Yoga (Dhanurasana)

How to Do Bow Pose in Yoga (Dhanurasana)

Bow pose (dhanurasana in Sanskrit) is a very challenging yet satisfying backbend. Its difficulty lies in the amount of strength required of the body’s posterior. Similarly shaped postures like camel pose and…

Mountain Pose Can Set You Up for a Stronger Yoga Practice—Here’s How To Do It Right

Mountain Pose Can Set You Up for a Stronger Yoga Practice—Here’s How To Do It Right

It’s easy to think of mountain pose in yoga as a moment to take a break. You’re just standing there on your two feet after all, right? Actually, it’s a…

Morning Yoga: Benefits & Beginner’s Routine

Morning Yoga: Benefits & Beginner’s Routine

Rise and shine, yogis! It’s is time to wake up, roll out of bed, and unroll your yoga mat. A morning yoga flow is the perfect way to awaken your…