Exploring Your Spiritual Side – End of the Month Motivational Message | August

Exploring Your Spiritual Side - End of the Month Motivational Message | August

Spirituality is a lifelong journey.

This journey, as beautiful as it is, can also be quite overwhelming and difficult at times.  


Stressful situations will test you. You may feel as if you’ve lost all your progress.

Your ego will try to take over. It will try its best to prevent you from practicing full acceptance in your life. It will try to trap you into a cycle of lack.

As a result of its manipulation, you will experience self-doubts, feelings of envy, and anger. 

The beliefs you held prior to your spiritual awakening will try to make a comeback.

Your friends and family may not fully understand the extent of changes happening to you. You may find that they interpret life differently than you and this might cause you to feel lonely in your journey.


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Stay Open-Minded on Your Journey

This is exactly when you need to tap into your spiritual side and work towards looking beyond the perceived differences and developing a greater understanding of other people’s unique experiences of life.

Even after making spiritual progress, you will experience unpleasant thoughts and difficult feelings. But you will know how to pause and observe them without judgment.

You will find it easier to remain patient, trust the process, and sense another possibility during difficult times. Staying present and releasing your attachment to outcomes will become second nature to you.


A Spiritual Journey Changes Your Perceptions

As you move forward in your spiritual journey, you will get better at recognizing which thoughts are stemming from the ego.

Remember to be gentle and kind to yourself as you ride out the difficult phases of your journey.


A spiritual awakening journey changes your ideas about what is real and true.

It opens your eyes to limitless possibilities, and profound insights and breakthroughs.

Take your time and connect with your inner self. You have to continuously build up your spiritual arsenal. 


Learning the Lessons

Every spiritual lesson you learn will get you closer to your true path.


Experience the transformative power of the universe in your life.

There is indeed something better waiting for you on the other side of the pain, shame, confusion, and anger you feel. 



Throwback: August 2023 The End of the Month Motivational Message: Learning Resilience

Change is a part of life.

We can never know how exactly our lives will unfold. Sometimes we get showered with unexpected blessings and sometimes we find ourselves struggling with terrifying obstacles that life throws in our way.

Cultivating the right attitude to embrace both good and bad times in life is incredibly important.
What may appear as a dead end to someone, can seem like an opportunity for growth to someone else.

Everything in life comes down to your perspective.


Learning Resilience

Resilient people learn from their mistakes and choose growth.

They believe in their ability to create successful outcomes despite difficult circumstances. They don’t dwell on the negative or engage in self-blame.

Positive thinking doesn’t always come easily, especially when everything around you seems to be falling apart.

It’s natural to feel scared by new challenges.

But no matter what happens, we always have a choice in what we are going to focus on.
It only takes a little spark to get a fire going!

Choose one positive thought per day.
Sit in silence and breathe deeply for a minute.
Write down three things you’re grateful for.

These simple practices will help you to keep the fire burning inside you.


Learning Resilience takes time

Developing resilience is a lifelong process.
Some situations lead to deep wounds that never seem to fully heal.

That type of pain may never go away. But you can still make space for peace and joy in your heart.
Practicing gratitude for the blessings you have in life can help you to overcome adversity and transcend suffering.

Never let the bad times get the best of you.
You do have the strength and courage to keep moving forward.

Commit to remaining calm and maintaining a positive outlook. With a calm mind, you are better able to cope with challenges.

And, as you overcome each obstacle, you improve your ability to harness your inner strength and adopt a better outlook, essentially creating a virtuous cycle.
Decide that you will allow nothing to defeat your spirit.


Don’t Give Up! 

You can adapt well and achieve a greater sense of strength, regardless of the twists and turns you experience in your life.
You have the power to pick yourself up again.

It is possible to rebuild your life.
Keep your inner fire alive.

Photo by Mak Photography

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