Have you ever encountered someone who left you feeling completely depleted?
Maybe you had some energy before meeting that person, but during the conversation you literally felt your energy draining from you. Some people call those types of people energy vampires, because they have the tendency to drain every last ounce of your life force.
What are Energy Vampires?
Energy vampires can exhibit a range of traits, but a common characteristic is their negativity.
They often thrive on absorbing the energy of others and frequently concentrate on and vocalize their issues. Additionally, energy vampires may seek validation from others, constantly craving attention to feel valued.
These individuals are typically insecure and rely on the approval and acknowledgment of others to feel a sense of worthiness.
There may be energy vampires within your family, circle of friends, or at work. You can probably think of one person right now who wears you out. Maybe they talk your ear off every time you get together. Or maybe there’s that friend that texts you incessantly about every little thing that bothers them.
The bottom line is that there are those who may not realize how much they take out of others by their negativity or attention seeking. Your job is to learn how to contend with such people in a respectful and wise way, so that you can keep your own energy levels high.
The following are some tips on how you can deal with those that tend to drain you.
5 Ways to Protect Yourself from Energy Vampires
1. Stay Grounded
Your first job is to learn how to stay grounded.
To be “grounded” means that you secure a strong connection with your energy source or higher power. Center yourself there consistently by meditation, prayer, silence, etc.
That way, when an energy vampire shows up in your life, you’ll have a reservoir of energy to give, as well as wisdom to know when to excuse yourself from the person if they begin to cross your energy boundary.
2. Speak Your Truth
Energy vampires may not be aware that they are draining you.
They actually may not realize that they are being negative, controlling, rude, and so on.
Know that it’s alright for you to politely speak your truth to these people. Let them know that you’d rather not continue to spend time with them if they are going to act out in such a manner.
It’s one thing to be upset or sad and need a lending ear, but it’s another to incessantly be complaining about things. Don’t be afraid to say, “Excuse me, this is really draining me. Let’s take a different approach to this issue.”
You could also say: “I appreciate our conversation, but I’m feeling a bit overwhelmed at the moment. Can we take a break and revisit this topic later?”
3. Listen, Don’t Speak
It’s wonderful to be empathetic.
We should listen to those who have problems or are in pain. In fact, showing empathy is something the world needs more of. However, if you’re the type of person that is highly sensitive and tends to want to help and heal everyone, it may be to your benefit to learn how to just listen and don’t speak.
What I mean by being quiet is to avoid jumping into “problem-solving” mode right away, as some people might rely on you to fix their issues every time they face a challenge or feel down.
Of course, you can be there for them – listen attentively and then respond with something like, “I’m not sure what to say at the moment, but I’m really grateful that you reached out and shared this with me.”
4. Offer Support
It’s helpful to distinguish between fixing someone and providing support.
Individuals who tend to drain others could genuinely be experiencing distress or facing a difficult situation. They may need assistance, but rather than trying to solve their problems for them, focus on offering support.
You can ask, “How can I be there for you?” and then create a safe and supportive environment for them as they work through the issue at hand.
5. Limit your time
If you know someone who tends to incessantly drain you when you’re around them, begin to limit your time with them.
If you’ve talked to this person about their negativity or their refusal to take responsibility for their emotions, you may have to lovingly detach. You don’t have to spend time with those who constantly whine, complain, or drain you.
While it may seem tough, setting boundaries with such individuals might be necessary. Over time, you can check in on them to see if their behavior has improved or if they’ve made any positive changes in their lives.
Being Honest With Your Energy Vampire
Years ago, I had a close friend who was an energy vampire, constantly seeking my support and leaving me feeling drained with her complaints and issues. I realized that the situation was not healthy for either of us, so I decided to have an honest conversation with her.
During our chat, I gently expressed my concern for her well-being and explained how our interactions were affecting me. I said,
“I truly care about you and want to see you happy, but I’ve noticed that our conversations often leave me feeling exhausted. It seems like you’re going through a tough time, and I believe that talking to a professional therapist might be beneficial for you.”
My friend initially seemed surprised by my honesty, but she eventually acknowledged that she needed help beyond what I could provide. She thanked me for being candid and told me that she would look into finding a therapist.
A few weeks later, she informed me that she had started therapy and was making progress in addressing her emotional challenges. Our friendship became more balanced, and I was glad to see her taking steps towards self-improvement.
By being honest and compassionate, I was able to help my friend seek the support she needed while protecting my own well-being.
Wrapping It Up
In a perfect world, there wouldn’t be any energy vampires, but we don’t live in such a place.
Although it may be challenging to completely avoid those who cling to you and drain your energy, there are strategies you can adopt to minimize their impact.
Keep these tips in mind as you explore the realm of interpersonal connections, striking a balance between showing empathy and taking care of your energy level at the same time.
Here are some further resources:
4 Strategies to Survive Emotional Vampires
“Energy Vampires: How to Deal with Negative People” by Jennifer O’Neill
Editor’s note: This article was originally published Jun 8, 2023 and has been updated to improve reader experience.
Photo by Ben White on Unsplash