Don't Think You're Good Enough? Change Your Thoughts & Increase Your Self-Worth

Don't Think You're Good Enough? Change Your Thoughts & Increase Your Self-Worth

Most people struggle on some level with not feeling good enough. 

For some, this belief simmers just under the surface their entire life. They view things from this “I am not worthy” perspective that got skewed usually somewhere in childhood.

Others only deal with this type of thinking occasionally. Maybe they had an ultra-harmonious upbringing with parents who were quite healthy emotionally.

Regardless, we are all worthy and “good enough,” just because of who we are as spiritual beings journeying through life as humans.



“But I Don’t Feel Like I Am Good Enough”

If you talk to many therapists, they’ll tell you that underneath the thought, “I am not good enough,” are negative thoughts and belief patterns usually picked up somewhere in childhood. 

They can also be picked up through messages society sends, especially in marketing.

But when you begin to realize that you are not your thoughts or your emotions, you begin to see that you are “good enough” because of who you are at your core.  You’re not good enough because of what you’ve done or haven’t done. You’re good enough because you are alive.



Increasing Self-Worth

Feeling like you’re not good enough means you have a low self-worth.

If you struggle with low self-worth, the good news is that you can increase yours.

Low self-worth is prevalent among those who engage in negative thinking. If your thoughts are constantly bringing you down, you will feel that you are not worthy of being happy. Low self-worth can lead to many problems in life, including anxiety and depression.

However, if you can start to realize that you are far more than this thought or feeling of unworthiness, you can begin to overcome such a feeling.

Start working on your self-worth right now: Why Self-Worth Matters and How to Recognize and Improve it



You are Not Your Thoughts

Do you want to know why you don’t feel good enough?

Simple. It’s because of your thoughts.

People with low self-worth have thoughts that cause those self-destructive feelings. Your thoughts can constantly bombard you and make you believe negative things that are not true.

Common thoughts of people with low self-worth would be:

  • “No one likes me.”
  • “I have no friends.”
  • “I am not good-looking.”
  • “I am not worth anything.”
  • “I will never accomplish anything.”
  • “I am a failure.”
  • “I am not lovable.”

I’m sure that everyone has had at least one of these thoughts in their lifetime! When these thoughts start floating around in your mind, learn to recognize and put a stop to them. Remember that you are not your thoughts.

And, you can actually train your brain to think positive thoughts, such as:

  • “I am lovable and loved.”
  • “I am beautiful inside and out.”
  • “I am worthy of being happy.”
  • “I am good enough.”
  • “I am worthy just because I am here.”

It may seem odd at first, or very simplistic. but at the end of the day, using positive affirmations actually works. Adopting the practice of repeating these phrases can combat our negative thoughts, and lead us down a path towards a more positive outlook or mindset. 

Need more positive affirmations? Visit our free Daily Affirmations page! 



Go Beyond Your Thoughts to Reality

While you may not be your thoughts, they do continue to pop into the mind regularly.

Therefore, it’s helpful to learn how to change the way you think. Learn to re-train your brain to automatically start thinking positive thoughts.

This takes time.

  • Spend time daily closing your eyes and being quiet. 
  • See what types of thoughts are popping up. 
  • If negative ones arise, notice them and then let them float away.
  • Remind yourself that you are good.
  • That you deserve peace, joy, and unconditional love.

Positive affirmations help many people train their mind to be more positive. Write some down or print some out and recite them often. You may also want to tell yourself hundreds of times daily, “I am good enough”.

Hold your head high.

No matter what your past has been, or what your present circumstances are, you are good enough. You are worthy of acceptance and love. As you receive this for yourself, you’re much more apt to hold this kind of space for others too.

Remember: You are good enough, just because.

Editor’s note: This article was originally published Jun 28, 2022 and has been updated to improve reader experience.

Photo by Skylar Kang

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