Let’s be honest: Mornings are tough.
In fact, mornings are the time when our cortisol levels are at their highest. It’s no wonder so many people experience morning anxiety and stress. So, maybe you’re in need of a bit of morning inspiration, something to help you get your day off on the right foot and help you feel motivated.
In this article, we’re going to help you find your good morning motivation. From journal prompts to specific routines, there are many ways you can find your morning inspirations and have your best day yet.
1. Find Your Morning Inspirations Through Your Favorite Quotes
A new day means a new opportunity. So, let’s set ourselves up for success by reading off quotes that resonate deep within. Some examples might include:
“The past is gone. Today is full of possibilities.” – Karen Casey
“With the new day comes strength and new thoughts.” – Eleanor Roosevelt
“I hope you realize that every day is a fresh start for you. That every sunrise is a new chapter in your life waiting to be written.” – Juansen Dizon
“Every day that you open your eyes is a new day and another day to get it right.” – Jean Renee Porter
You can also come up with your own, such as “Today is a fresh a start” or “Each day is a new chapter.” The goal is to find something that inspires you and helps you harness that motivation to get your day going in the best way possible.
Related Article: Top 40 Inspirational Quotes For When You’re Having a Bad Day
2. Follow This Basic Routine
Many of us might struggle to just get out of bed and get going. This often means that you don’t have a set routine, which can help you get through those first groggy moments of your day and help you find the morning inspirations you need to have a good day.
If you don’t have a routine, try this morning motivation one:
- Set your alarm and get up early.
- Consume a nutritious and filling breakfast.
- Move.
- Remind yourself of your wins, your goals, and your “why.”
- Do one thing that makes you happy and is just for you.
- Make your bed.
Alternatively, you can switch this around to suit your needs and situation.
Related Article: Best Morning Rituals To Help You Have a Better Day
3. Expose Yourself to Sunlight
One of the very first things everyone should do in the morning is exposing themselves to sunlight. Whether you do this via a window or by drinking your coffee on your porch, the choice is yours.
Basically, this helps decrease melatonin levels, which helps you wake up and become more alert. There’s a reason we sleep when it gets dark out. The body’s sleep-wake cycle is in sync with the sun.
4. Take a Walk
This combines a bit of what we went over above. Taking a walk first thing gets your body moving, your blood flowing, and also gets you outside in the fresh air and sun (all good things!).
In fact, a morning walk can:
- Enhance your mental clarity
- Increase your energy levels
- Improve your mood
- Help you get enough physical activity in for the day
- Strengthen your muscles
- Improve your sleep
- Help you make healthier choices as you go about your day
Try it and see how you feel. Our bet is that you’ll feel pretty inspired!
5. Try These Journal Prompts
If you dread the mornings, it can help to have a go-to when you wake up. Journaling is a wonderful practice that can help clarify how you feel or want to feel as you go about your day. Basically, it helps you set your intentions, which can start your day off with the exact inspiration and motivation you need.
Try playing around with some of these journal prompts:
- How do you want to feel at the end of today?
- What’s something that made you smile recently?
- What are you looking forward to today?
- Who or what are you most grateful for in your life?
- Where do you want to be in 6 months? 12 months?
- What is one thing you want to improve about your life?
- What is one thing you want to get done today?
- Which small step can you take toward your goals today?
6. For Friday Motivation, Add a Little Something Special
Fridays tend to hit differently. And often, motivation can be lacking. So, this is your sign to make Fridays a little extra special. Grab that latte on your way to work (or order it via a delivery app). Plan for a nice dinner or make a different breakfast.
The goal here is to find something that makes Friday special and fuels you to finish off the week with a bang!
7. Turn Up Some Tunes
Research indicates that upbeat music can significantly improve your mood, getting your day started in the right way. As you’re making breakfast or showering, throw on some upbeat tunes and let it appeal to your emotions. If you’re really feeling it, throw in a little dance or two to set an inspiring, motivating, and happy vibe for the rest of your day.
8. Meditate!
Alright, so we hear this often enough. Yet, meditation is truly powerful. It helps you get in better control of your thoughts, as well as has calming and mood-enhancing effects. If you’re new to meditation, check out this video to get started.
At first, it might feel really hard, but it does get easier with practice. The effects are also cumulative, meaning the more you do it, the more mental clarity you experience.
Discover Your Morning Inspirations
Try all of the above. Or choose one or a few. You’ll never know if they work unless you give them a try.
Unfortunately, motivation often doesn’t appear out of thin air. You have to go and grab that morning inspiration and motivation for yourself and through the actions you take. So, go ahead. Allow yourself to become inspired!
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Nov 6, 2021
Photo by cottonbro from Pexels