Why should you run every day? 11 health benefits of running

Why should you run every day? 11 health benefits of running

Being one of the best cardio exercises, Why should you run every day?  Running can significantly improve your physical and mental health, healthy ageing, and quality of life. Here are…

Move over crunches! Try pistol squat to tone your core muscles

Move over crunches! Try pistol squat to tone your core muscles

If you want to tone your abs, try this intense and effective exercise called pistol squats. Here’s how to do this exercise properly. Squats are a great exercise that helps…

How to increase your walking speed: 6 tips to walk faster

How to increase your walking speed: 6 tips to walk faster

Walking faster has multiple health benefits. Learn how to increase your walking speed slowly and steadily to reap its wholesome benefits. Ever caught yourself mid-daydream, realising you’re the last one…