You can improve strength, and build muscle by following the right training technique. Try the 6-12-25 workout, which is an advanced hypertrophy method.
When people talk about muscle growth, you may think of protein-rich foods or supplements and strength training. These are key ingredients needed to build muscle, but you also have to follow the right training method. Meet the 6-12-25 workout, a method in which three sets of exercises with 6, 12, and 25 repetitions are performed. In addition to muscle growth, it can also help to improve strength as well as endurance. Pick one day to target a specific part of your body. But remember, it is high-intensity in nature, so make sure you are ready to pull it off.
What is the 6-12-25 workout?
The 6-12-25 workout is a hypertrophy-based training method popularised by Canadian strength coach Charles Poliquin. “It is a method designed to build muscle while also improving muscular endurance and fat loss,” says fitness expert Yash Agarwal. The focus is just on one muscle group per set with three exercises. The digits in this method represent the number of repetitions in each set. That means the method is six reps followed by 12 reps, and finally 25 reps.
It follows a specific tri-set structure, where you perform:
- 6 reps of a heavy compound movement (strength focus)
- 12 reps of a moderate-weight exercise (with a focus on hypertrophy)
- 25 reps of a light-weight or bodyweight exercise (muscular endurance and metabolic stress focus)
“There is minimal rest (10-15 seconds) between exercises, making it an intense training method,” says the expert.
What are the benefits of the 6-12-25 workout?
The 6-12-25 workout offers a wide range of benefits. Here is how it can help you:
- Muscle growth (hypertrophy): “This training method targets both fast-twitch and slow-twitch muscle fibres,” says Agarwal. High volume and time under tension help in promoting muscle growth effectively. Increasing muscle mass is good for you, as its low levels may increase risks of cardiovascular disease, and type 2 diabetes, as per research published in the International Journal Of Environmental Research And Public Health in 2019.
- Increased strength: The 6 reps of a heavy compound movement in the 6-12-25 workout is good for building strength. Greater muscular strength not only helps to perform better while working out, but also decreases the risk of injury, as per research published in the journal Sports Medicine in 2016.
- Enhanced muscular endurance: The 12 and 25-reps in the 6-12-25 workout train the muscle’s ability to work longer without fatigue. “This improves performance as well as endurance while working out,” says the expert.
- Fat loss: The high-rep, and minimal rest format of the 6-12-25 workout can burn a lot of calories, and help with fat loss. “It triggers the afterburn effect, which means your body continues to burn calories even after the workout session,” shares the expert.
- Cardiovascular benefits: Short rest periods during the 6-12-25 workout can increase your heart rate. “This in turn can help to improve your overall cardiovascular health,” says the expert.
The 6-12-25 workout for back, legs, and chest
1. Back workout
Here’s how to use the 6-12-25 workout for your back:
Weighted pull-ups: 6 reps
- To do this kind of pull-ups, take help of a weight belt or hold a dumbbell between your legs.
- Pull your body up until your chin clears the bar. Lower your body under control.
Barbell rows: 12 reps
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- Bend at your hips while keeping your back straight.
- Pull the bar towards your lower ribs.
Seated cable rows: 25 reps
- Sit with your knees slightly bent.
- Pull the handle to your abdomen.
- Squeeze your shoulder blades together.
2. Legs workout
Here’s how to use the 6-12-25 workout for your legs:
Barbell back squats: 6 reps
- Keep a barbell in a rack, dip under it to put it behind your neck.
- Grip the equipment with your hands wider than shoulder-width apart.
- Lift your chest up and squeeze your shoulder blades so that your back remains straight throughout the entire movement.
- Keep feet shoulder-width apart, and squat deep.
Bulgarian split squats: 12 reps
- Place one foot on a bench right behind you.
- Lower your body until your back knee almost touches the ground then push up.
Bodyweight step-ups: 25 reps
- Step onto a box or bench, driving through the leading leg.
- Switch sides.
3. Chest workout
Here’s how to use the 6-12-25 workout for your chest:
Barbell bench press: 6 reps
- Keep your feet planted on the ground.
- Lower the bar slowly, then push it back up.
Incline dumbbell press: 12 reps
- Lie on an incline bench
- Lower dumbbells to your chest, then press up.
Push-ups: 25 reps
- Get on your four limbs with your hands shoulder-width apart.
- Stretch your legs back so that your body looks like a straight line.
- Lower your body with control, and bend your elbows until your chest almost touches the ground.
- Push yourself back up.
Common mistakes to avoid
Make sure to not do these mistakes to prevent injuries.
- Using too heavy weights: It leads to early fatigue and form breakdown. “Choose a weight that is 80 to 85 percent of your one-repetition maximum,” suggests the expert. For example, if your one-rep max on the incline dumbbell press is 40 kg, use 26 kg dumbbells.
- Poor rest management: Resting too long reduces the metabolic effect. But resting too little leads to bad form.
- Rushing through reps: Focus on controlled movement for muscle growth instead of rushing through those reps during the 6-12-25 workout.
- Ignoring recovery: This training method is intense, so proper sleep, nutrition, and recovery are crucial.
Who should avoid the 6-12-25 workout?
The 6-12-25 workout is not for everybody, so the following people should not try it:
- Beginners with no training experience, as the intensity may be too overwhelming for them.
- Individuals with joint issues, as the high-volume training can stress the joints.
- People recovering from injuries, as the short rest and high reps can cause overuse injuries.
- Those with poor cardiovascular fitness, as the high-intensity nature may be too demanding.
The 6-12-25 workout is an advanced method for muscle building, endurance, and fat loss. If done correctly, it can be an effective training method. Focus on proper form, recovery, and progression to enjoy its benefits.
Related FAQs
Is 6-12-25 workout good for building muscles?
Yes, it is good for muscle growth because it incorporates muscle-building mechanisms like strength gains (6-rep heavy lift), hypertrophy (12-rep moderate lift), and metabolic stress (25-rep burnout). This combination increases muscle fibre recruitment, growth hormone release, and time under tension, which are all important for building muscles.
Can beginners do the 6-12-25 workout?
It is not ideal for beginners. They may struggle with minimal rest periods, high volume, and muscle fatigue. So, it is better for the advanced fitness level.