October Monthly Motivational Message – Finding Healthy Hobbies

October Monthly Motivational Message - Finding Healthy Hobbies

Your to-do list keeps growing. 

You find yourself rushing from one task to the next. 

In trying to maximize your days, you reach a point where life begins to feel like a blur. Days just seem to blend together.

This is your reminder to reset.

Invite newness into your life.

Take up a hobby.


Healthy Hobbies

Healthy hobbies can help you center yourself when life feels out of control. 

The joy and sense of accomplishment you get from engaging in your hobbies can positively influence all areas of your life.

You don’t have to be an expert to benefit from them. You’re free to go at your own pace, and make mistakes. That’s the beauty of hobbies!

Whatever your budget, there are plenty of options to choose from. But sometimes, the major hindrance to adopting a hobby isn’t budget or time constraints.

It’s what’s in your mind. If you let it, your mind will come up with many reasons why you can’t pick up a hobby.

  • you’re tired
  • there’s not enough time or money
  • the fear of making a fool out of yourself
  • it’s not worth the effort if you’re not making money out of it

Don’t let negative thoughts talk you out of it.

Give yourself a chance to look beyond the perceived obstacles!


 The Benefits of Hobbies

Hobbies give you something to look forward to.

  • You learn new skills.
  • You gain new perspectives.
  • You learn more about yourself.

It’s a way of telling yourself that your needs matter too.

You spend a lot of time taking care of everyone else. You need to prioritize your well-being and reconnect with things you love. Focus on your own unique interests.

  • Let your interests guide you.
  • Be open to trying out new things!
  • Choose an activity that rejuvenates you.

Whether you prefer spending time by yourself or meeting new people, or if you want something relaxing or something that gets your blood pumping; thanks to the internet, finding the right tools to explore your interests has never been easier.

 Need some ideas to get started? Read this next: 30 New Hobbies List: Lower Stress & Boost Your Confidence


Don’t Limit Yourself

Your hobbies will evolve throughout your life.

  • A few minutes of stretching can transform into a yoga practice.
  • Journaling can inspire you to write fiction stories.
  • The practice of walking in a park can prepare you for hiking.

There’s so much to explore.

The idea of adding a new activity to your routine can be daunting, especially when your plate is already full.

However, the right hobby will seamlessly blend into your lifestyle.


Start small.


Carve out small pockets of time in your day to reconnect with yourself and enjoy your hobbies to the fullest.

Even if it’s for a few minutes, release all your everyday worries and just play.

Explore different activities to discover what truly rejuvenates you. The right set of hobbies can elevate your life and improve your emotional state to a great extent.



Throwback to October 2023 – Are You Being Authentic?

We are afraid to be alone. 


Due to the fear of judgment, we don’t embrace who we are. 

We pretend to be someone we’re not to be accepted by others. 

But does it make our life any better? Does it make us feel fulfilled?


When you choose to do something out of the norm, you may feel alone and abandoned. 

Your mind comes up with many negative thoughts. 

You feel like no one will support you. You assume you’re destined to be alone. 

When you don’t meet social expectations, you may have to walk a lonely path for a while. Yes, it’s hard. But blindly following others, and being a captive to their validation isn’t all sunshine and rainbows either. 



Staying True to Yourself

When you stay true to yourself, you pursue what actually makes you happy instead of chasing social conformity.  

In the long term, you will end up attracting much better opportunities and possibilities.

When you are being authentic, you can attract the people who love you for who you are. There’s no need to pretend. There’s no need to expend extra energy on keeping up appearances. 

We live in a big world. 

There’s no doubt that you will find people who share your core values. 



You can simply be yourself and do what you truly want to. You can be sure you’re doing the right thing for the right reasons. 

Your life will feel more rewarding. Everything will feel just right. 


Living in a way that goes against our true nature is exhausting. You find yourself constantly second-guessing yourself. 

You don’t have to go through life with a limited perspective. 



Being Your Authentic Self: Listen to Your Own Voice

You have the courage to choose your own course in life. 


  • What makes you feel alive?
  • What’s the source of your frustration? 

Making time to uncover your values, exploring different aspects of your personality, and learning more about yourself is part of the process of learning to be true to yourself. 

Listen to the voice that comes from within. 

Be aware of your day-to-day actions, and choices.

Authenticity liberates you. It is freeing.


This Month, Practice Showing Up: As Yourself

Don’t let judgments from other people, and limiting stories get in the way of what you truly want. 

Instead of using up your energy to fit in, save your energy for what’s truly important. 

Slow down. Hold on to your values.

Show up as your authentic self in life. 

Photo by Thirdman

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