Simplifying Your World – The End of the Month Motivational Message | September

Simplifying Your World - The End of the Month Motivational Message | September

The changing of seasons can bring mixed feelings.

For some, it might trigger feelings of anxiety as they may feel lost and scared of what’s to come. Others might feel excited about the idea of a new beginning.

Every season brings its own set of lessons.

Changing seasons can lead to a change of perspective. You are part of nature after all. You will experience changes throughout the year. With each transformation, you will begin to see the world a bit differently.



Focus on the Tiny Moments

That doesn’t mean you need to overhaul your life each season.

The magic lies in the tiny moments.

It’s the way you respond to your thoughts, when you practice the courage to say no to protect your peace, or when you choose positive belief over fear in difficult times.  

It’s important to create space for the myriad of feelings that come up due to all the changes you experience in your inner and outer world.


Less is More. 

Spending more time in solitude can put you in a place of calm where you’ll feel ready to unpack your emotional baggage.

Allow your new perspective to show what it has been wanting to show you.   


Prioritize what makes you happy.


September was all about simplifying your world. As the month comes to an end, take some time to look back at how your habits and routines have shaped your life.

  • How can you bring more ease into your life?
  • What can you let go to reset your emotional state?

Give yourself permission to be an imperfect human being. You can’t do everything perfectly.

When you internalize other people’s expectations, you experience a constant sense of guilt for the things you ‘should’ be doing. This guilt prevents you from even acknowledging how you feel. 


Pause to question your assumptions. What do you truly want?


It’s normal to feel apprehensive about the uncertainty of the future. But don’t forget that life has always been full of uncertainty and you already have plenty of experience with managing uncertain situations.

Your past experiences could be the catalyst for courage. You’ve got this.

Every step that you take from a place of inner calm will illuminate your path and you will begin to see the beautiful possibilities taking shape.  



Throwback 2023 – September End of the Month Message

Throughout our lives, we experience a lot of fears.

Fear of:

  • adverse consequences
  • the unknown
  • failure
  • being judged
  • being lost
  • being unhappy

It’s just part of being human.



The Journey to Overcoming Your Fears

Sometimes life can feel very dark. Many of our fears develop from bad experiences from our past.

More often than not, we tend to harbor fears without even realizing it. This happens when we believe them to be true.

Fears prevent you from taking action. And as a result, you give up before even trying.

It’s okay to feel afraid, but each time you let your them consume you, you erode your ability to bounce back and feel joy.

Changing the way you react to difficult situations is the key to living a fulfilling life.

We have to consistently work towards overcoming unhelpful tendencies and embracing habits that help us become a better version of ourselves.



It Can Be a Good Thing

Feeling a little overwhelmed with the idea of facing what you’re afraid of can actually be a good thing.

It pushes you to become proactive and find the right strategies to overcome blocks that keep you stuck.



Most of the time things aren’t as bad as we imagine them to be. We are wired in such a way that our brains tend to overemphasize negative events.

Ultimately you have to decide what’s best for you.

Don’t let your fears stop you from moving forward and finding happiness.



It Starts With Us

Fears arise within us. But your strength too comes from within.

No matter the circumstances, you have the ability to limit the power they have over you.

In order to stay consistent and strong through it all, you must believe in yourself.

Remember, your fears can overpower you only if you let them.

  • You can rely on your strength.
  • It’s time to take back control.

You can find a way to protect your peace. You can move forward and create the life you want.

Positive changes don’t happen overnight, but we’ve got to start somewhere.



You Can Overcome What You Are Afraid of!

Learning to overcome your fears is an ongoing process.

With practice and persistence, you can strengthen your ability to overcome fear in life.

For more resources on how, try these articles! 

4 Common Fears Holding You Back and 3 Ways You Can Overcome Them

How to Overcome Fear: The Practice of Facing What You Are Afraid of

Photo by Christy Rice

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