How Strong is Your Intuition? 10 Ways to Develop it & Why You Should Try

How Strong is Your Intuition? 10 Ways to Develop it & Why You Should Try

In today’s society, fear is everywhere. The media and the world wide web have undeniably played their part and created an immense amount of stress, anxiety, and uncertainty.

While many have found their mental health has suffered, we also start to question ourselves and everything around us. We fail to trust our gut instinct, also known as our intuition.

Intuition tells us right from wrong.

  • It lets us know when we’re doing something that isn’t in alignment with who we want to be or our values, and vice versa.
  • It’s that “hunch” we get when we are sure or unsure of something. 

Yet, many of us fail to use our intuition, especially since the pandemic caught us all a bit by surprise; The unexpected happened. Yet, this doesn’t mean our gut instinct is always wrong.

So, what is an intuitive person?

And how can you develop your intuition to feel better aligned in your life?



What is an Intuitive Person?

Philosopher and writer Jiddu Krishnamurti once said, “Intuition is the whisper of the soul.”

Intuition unearths our innate and deep desires. It forces us to align with them or face discomfort due to resistance and chaos.

When it comes down to it, an intuitive person can understand and acknowledge things without necessarily solid proof or evidence indicating it to be good or true.

Many intuitive people are also creators who seek out new ideas and possibilities with the help of their imagination. Yet, this isn’t a prerequisite by any means!

Highly intuitive people understand themselves in-depth. They have explored the self introspectively and seek out continual self-growth.

They reflect before making a decision, and they tune into their feelings, allowing these feelings to play a partial role in guiding their decisions and life. 



Is it Possible to Develop Intuition?

Yes, it is! With practice and some introspection, you can flex your intuition muscle.

Everyone has intuition; just not all of us use it regularly! With that in mind, try the following 10 ways to develop your intuition.



10 Ways You Can Develop Your Intuition

1. Keep a Dream Journal.

Okay, so dreams don’t always mean something. But recurring dreams or patterns can indicate ideas or thoughts deep in our subconscious, which, when uncovered, can help us understand ourselves better and where we are in our current life trajectory. 

For example, a dream about falling often indicates we feel unsupported or insecure in some way. Determining the “why” behind this can help us step forward using our intuition, which can then guide us toward realigning our life with what feels right for us.

Related Article: 9 Helpful Tips for Understanding Why You Keep Having the Same Dreams


2. Meditate.

Yes, this is recommended for basically everything from reducing anxiety to controlling your mind and emotions.

However, the thing about meditation is that it offers a quiet space for us to tune into our breath, the one thing that keeps us alive and often runs on autopilot. It shows us that we have more control than we think and provides a space for us to listen to ourselves a little closer.

Meditation also creates a gap between us and external stimuli, which we are constantly exposed to every single day. We rarely shut out technology or other people. Yet, meditation gives you a few minutes to do just that, which may help you interpret your subconscious mind better.

Related Article: How You Can Master Meditation: The Calming Art of Mindfulness


3. Practice Using All of Your Senses.

By paying closer attention to all five senses, including taste, smell, sight, hearing, and touch, we can actually go a layer deeper and get in touch with our sixth sense (aka your intuition!).

Try this quick practice: Name five things you can see, four things you can touch, three things you can hear, two things you can smell, and one thing you can taste. 


4. Put Those “Hunches” to the Test!

Are you feeling you might get bad or good news?

Do you have a feeling that the upcoming gathering you have planned will go well, or something bad might happen? Alter your plans accordingly, or see if these hunches come true. Write them down, and see what happens.


5. Tune Into Your Body.

  • Are you feeling sick?
  • On edge?
  • Or nauseous?

Your gut might be trying to tell you something, and yes, this is likely your intuition talking. It may be best to follow your gut sometimes. Or if you’re feeling anxious and short of breath, perhaps this is another intuitive sign that a specific situation isn’t right for you and your life.


6. Go Forest Bathing.

Forest bathing” is a term used in Japanese culture that refers to sitting or walking or simply being amongst nature.

As we might already know, being amongst nature and green spaces is good for our overall health and well-being. Yet, it can also help us clear our minds and delve deep into our intuition in the most natural way possible!

Spiritual Practices: An Introduction to 5 Practices to Help You Explore Your Spiritual Side


7. Learn From Your Mistakes.

We are human, and we all make mistakes.

However, sometimes, we have a feeling like we “knew” that action or endeavor wasn’t right for us. If you can recall how you felt and why you didn’t follow that feeling, you can then learn from it, get in touch with your intuition, and avoid repeating this mistake.


8. Write and Reflect on Your Values.

  • What’s important to you?
  • What moments in your life have felt the most meaningful?
  • What type of stories inspire and empower you?
  • What does your ideal world look like?

Asking these types of questions can help guide you toward developing concrete life values. These are based on your intuition, meaning when you know your values, you can make decisions more intuitively than not.


9. Do a Digital Detox.

Alright, I know this is recommended a lot.

But figuring out your intuitive sense comes down to creating some space within your life. Unfortunately, technology tends to fill many voids and leads to confusion regarding our own inner thoughts. So, let’s drop the tech for a second.

Try going a few hours without it. Read a book. Meditate. Or go for a nature walk sans podcasts or music. This can help you clear your mind and de-stress, which can open up your mind to your intuition.

Digital Detox Challenge: Put Down Your Devices!


10. Play a Sport.

In many sports and athletics, our intuition drives us to make quick decisions on the go or “in-play.”

Getting into this mode more helps us dig into our subconscious mind and make these gut feeling decisions on the fly. It also shows us we can trust ourselves, such as when we make an awesome play and score that game-changing goal.



Go Inwards: Uncover Your Intuition & Let It Guide You

Our intuition teaches us to trust ourselves and rely on ourselves.

It helps us better align our life with what we truly want and desire. It also can ensure we feel less guilt or confusion regarding where others end and we begin. All in all, it can contribute to a greater sense of self, guiding us toward a happier, healthier, and better-aligned life.

Read Next: Intuitive Dating: How It Can Help You Land a Winner

Editor’s note: This article was originally published May 3, 2023 and has been updated to improve reader experience.

Photo by fauxels

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