5 Simple Ways to Start a Self-Care Routine in Your Life

5 Simple Ways to Start a Self-Care Routine in Your Life

We grow up with our parents or caregivers taking care of us. 

Even though they probably taught us how to take care of ourselves in terms of life skills like cooking, cleaning, getting a job and making friends, many of us are left with no idea how to care for ourselves mentally. 

Our parents and caregivers have good intentions, but for one reason or another, they may halfheartedly practice self-care or are so busy taking care of others, they don’t practice self-care either! 

[Self-care is] The ability of individuals, families and communities to promote health, prevent disease, maintain health, and to cope with illness and disability with or without the support of a healthcare provider. – World Health Organization (WHO)

Self-care, according to this definition, covers the bases from our nutrition, how well we handle stress and what we do to keep ourselves healthy, physically and mentally. Self-care can also include spiritual health.

What is your idea of a self-care routine? 

  • A weekend at the spa?
  • A vacation to the beach for relaxation? 

Taking care of yourself ought to include the physical, mental, emotional, social, and spiritual parts of you. 

Diving into the idea of self care can be intimidating, but you don’t have to go over the top! Here are some ultra simple tips you can start a self-care routine.

The 5 Important Areas of Wellness You Need to Balance



5 Tips for Starting Your Self-Care Routine

1. Take time for yourself in the morning.

Getting up early does not sound appealing to many people, but getting up a few minutes before you have to start your day can be beneficial for you. In fact, it may give you a positive lift that carries through the day. 

Start getting up 30 minutes before you have to begin getting ready for the day. If that’s a stretch, start with 15 minutes. 

If nothing else, not starting your day by feeling rushed can set you up for a calmer morning. It’s also often the quietest time of the day, and can help you set your intentions for the day ahead. 

Take this time to:

  • Meditate or sit in reflection 
  • Sit outside and breathe in fresh air
  • Go for a walk
  • Listen to relaxing music 
  • Simply sit and drink tea or coffee while thinking about what you are grateful for

Taking this quiet time every morning can refresh and energize your spirit and elevate your mood. Who wouldn’t love that!?


2. Connect with your spirituality.

Make a concentrated effort to connect with your spirituality daily as part of your self-care routine.

This can be done in the morning or anytime throughout the day. Sit quietly, take a few deep breaths, and be still. 

Take some time to explore your spirituality, whatever that means to you.

It could be:

  • practicing gratitude
  • sitting in stillness
  • reflecting and setting intentions
  • exploring your senses
  • writing your thoughts, hopes and feelings in a journal

Allow your heart to be filled with gratitude and love. Look for any words of affirmations or quotes that inspire you, contemplate them, enjoy solitude, and simply “be.”

Make sure to visit our Daily Affirmations page!


3. Write in your journal.

Keep a journal of thoughts, goals, accomplishments, and anything else you feel like writing as part of your self-care routine. Keeping a journal throughout the years is a great way to gauge your journey through life.  

According to the University of Rochester Medical Center, journaling is very therapeutic and can help you sort out your feelings, fears, and dreams. 

Some of the mental health benefits of journaling include: 

  • It reduces stress
  • It helps you manage anxiety
  • It helps to manage depression

Every once in a while, read through your past and see how you have grown, or if there are areas that still need attention in your life. Don’t be afraid to write everything down, as you are the only one who has to see your journal.

If you don’t like writing, you could dictate your journal entries online and keep them in a folder.  Then, when you’re ready, simply print them out and put them in a folder or have them bound as a book. 

Not sure how to get started? Try Mentally Exhausted? How Journaling Can Help


4. Make time for friends.

Having at least one good friend to spend time with can mean you are happier than those who don’t spend time with friends at all. Of course life gets busy, but it is important to make time for – and nurture – your friendships. 

You can go out for coffee, go shopping, share a meal, or commit to exercising together once or twice a week. Sharing life with a friend is special.  

If you don’t have any close friends, make it a point to develop a friendship with someone that you have common interests with. You can always join a club in your community, attend a local religious service, or get involved in volunteering to meet new people.

Facebook Events also lists online activities, so be sure you take advantage of the ability to connect with others from around the world via online video calls.

8 Important Ways You Can Start to Nurture Your Friendships


5. Get help if you need it.

It’s not easy for some people to reach out for help. 

According to Inc.com, asking for help not only gives you a new perspective and builds trust with the people around you, it also helps you become a better leader

Taking good care of yourself may require you to ask for help at times, especially if you’re struggling. Asking for help does not mean you’re weak, in fact, more and more we are seeing that asking for help actually makes us stronger. 

Reaching out may take some vulnerability and courage, but it can be worth it. 

Don’t forget that everyone needs help at some point, and asking for help gives others the chance to show up for you, which is oftentimes a blessing for them too.



You Deserve Excellent Care

Taking care of yourself shouldn’t feel like a daunting task.

If you need to convince yourself you’re worthy of giving yourself more attention, answer these questions honestly:

  • On a scale of 1 – 10, how would you rate yourself on your level of self-care? 
  • Have you overextended yourself and left yourself for last?  
  • Are you burned out? 
  • Have you been so busy taking care of others that you’ve forgotten about yourself?

If you answered yes (Or less than 5) to any of these, you should be spending more time investing in your self-care routine. 

By investing in yourself physically, mentally, emotionally, socially, and spiritually, you will live a more fulfilled life and experience more joy. 

You will also radiate love and joy more freely and abundantly and that my friends, is exactly what our world needs.

Editor’s note: This article was originally published Aug 11, 2021 and has been updated to enhance reader experience.

Photo by cottonbro studio

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