Trouble With Decision-Making? 6 Tips to Boost Your Ability

Trouble With Decision-Making? 6 Tips to Boost Your Ability

Decision-making does not always come easy.

It is by far one of the most complex things we have to do in life. The interesting part is that our lives are really a series of making decisions. From the time we wake up, the streak starts. For me, the first decision is to either snooze my alarm or to wake up. Every morning, it’s a tough decision to make.

In addition to the minor decisions, we also have to make some big and, in some cases, life-changing decisions.

This is where it gets interesting or rather, scary because sometimes we only have one chance to make a decision that will shape our future. 

To make these decisions we put a lot of things into consideration.

  • Is this what I really want?
  • Is this the best decision for me now and in the future?
  • What if I choose the wrong thing?
  • Will I be able to pick the other option later?

Thankfully, we all have the potential to be good decision-makers. These tips are a good starting point for you to unleash the good decision-maker in you!



6 Tips to Help You Become Better at Decision-Making

1. Take note of the risks you take. 

Some of us take risks often and we end up comfortable with the bad decisions we make.

It is important for you to take some time to reflect on the risks you continuously take and look at the bigger picture. You will likely see the long-term effects of those risks. 

For example, some people party every weekend from Friday evening till Sunday. This might seem like a fun idea at the moment, but if they look at the bigger picture, they might realize that they are taking a risk with their lives. In the future, they might suffer the negative implications of alcohol harm, among other things.

Taking note of the the future circumstances you are putting yourself in by taking risks now can help you make better decisions now


2. Have clear goals.

Whether they are short-term or long-term goals, make sure they are clear.

I find writing them down is a great way to ensure that I have precise and achievable goals. Knowing exactly what you want or where you need to be at a certain point is crucial in decision-making.

Clear goals make it easier for all your choices to be aligned with them. 


3. Seek other opinions.

As people, we have different ways of viewing situations and analyzing the possible outcomes.

Getting a second or third opinion from trusted friends can help you view the situation from a different perspective. Moreover, seeking the opinion of others also gives them a chance to share with you how they might have made choices in similar dilemmas. 


4. Have some quiet time.

A busy and fast-paced environment is definitely not the ideal place to make decisions, because of the many distractions that will be surrounding you.

Rather, take some time for yourself and find a quiet place where you can adequately focus on your thoughts.

Likewise, avoid making decisions when you’re stressed, tired, hungry, or angry. These negative states hinder your decision-making ability making you vulnerable to making a choice you might regret. 


5. Examine all options.

Sometimes we approach decision-making from a biased point of view.

We lean towards making a particular choice without necessarily weighing all the available options.

Before coming to a final decision, be open-minded and ensure that you have weighed all the available options. Examining all options also gives you confidence with your choice. 


6. Weigh all the possible consequences.

Almost all decisions have long- and short-term consequences.

Remember to weigh all these consequences in your decision-making process. Often, we are short-sighted and make decisions based on immediate gratification while ignoring the long-term consequences of the choice. 

Also, some choices might seem like the wrong choice for the short term but in the long term, the choice might be beneficial.

For instance, taking a course for a new skill might seem like a bad idea. That means your schedule will be packed, but after completing the course it increases your chance to be promoted at work or getting into an industry you’ve always wanted to work in. 



Final Thoughts 

When we were younger, we had other people who could make the important decisions for us.

If things didn’t go well, they would take the blame. But as we get older, it becomes our responsibility to make important decisions. The more you implement these tips in your decision-making, the easier it becomes for you to make the best choices.

In addition to the tips above, trust yourself. You have the ability to make the best decisions for yourself. Sometimes you feel sad after making the right decision. That’s okay. If you make mistakes, learn from them and move on!

Photo by Steve Johnson

Editor’s note: This article was originally published Jun 4, 2022 and has been updated to improve reader experience.

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