January Monthly Motivational Message – Starting Fresh

January Monthly Motivational Message - Starting Fresh

At the beginning of 2024, you were faced with an uncertain future. You had no idea what was in store for you. 

366 days later, you have a story to tell – a story of hope, happiness, resilience, and so much more.

You are one year wiser, braver, and stronger.


Starting a New Chapter

Now, as you start a new chapter of your life, take some time to think about what you want this chapter to look like.

The idea of making a fresh start can be daunting, especially when it feels like the past still has you in a chokehold.

You want to start from a clean slate without the baggage of the past. You want to scrub off every bit of bad memories from your mind.

Can we make a complete break from the past?


True, there were moments when you almost lost all hope for everything. There were moments of confusion, relationships that didn’t work out, and challenges that left you feeling drained.

There’s no denying that these experiences were part of your reality.


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You Never Gave Up on Yourself

But you must not forget that you eventually pulled yourself out of the dark place. You never gave up on yourself. Even though you were in pain, you kept your heart open to love and joy.

You continued to take steps to move forward and achieved so many positive outcomes as well. You’ve managed to get to a place where you feel secure and safe within yourself.


You’ve done things you couldn’t imagine doing a year ago.

To loosen the grips of fear, and limiting beliefs, you must take the time to reflect on the experiences that shaped you, in one way or another.


Build on What You’ve Learned

Instead of focusing your attention on removing traces of the past, prioritize building on what you have already learned. Acknowledge the strength you showed to rise above the dark situations you’ve experienced this past year.  

When you are reflecting on your past experiences, you will naturally face some resistance. There might be emotions you’ve buried deep within. When those emotions come to the surface, you may feel disoriented.

Remind yourself that they will pass soon. This emotional resolution will help you to let go of anything standing in your way or preventing you from moving forward.

The new year will give you the opportunity to do things differently.


Meditate on what you want to carry forward with you.


Make the Most of This New Chapter!

You have the strength to make the most out of this new chapter of your life.

The uncertainty around how your dreams will come to fruition can be scary. It’s beyond our capacity to figure out the how, and when. Shift your focus towards how you want to feel.

The rest will naturally follow.

Recognize the power of feeling good.


You have the courage to begin again.

Let trust, gratitude, and openness be your intentions this year.

Happy New Year!



2024 Throwback – Embracing Change

We’ve entered the new year.

The New Year brings possibilities, hope, and a little bit of anxiety as well.

We know that life is a constant process of change. Then why are life changes so hard to accept?

Most of the time, change comes out of nowhere. It catches us off guard. Our world turns upside down. Things fall apart in an instant. We’re forced out of our comfort zone.

It is frustrating.

It is painful.

We don’t like letting go of the familiar, we prefer to stick to what we already know. We think we can’t handle the unknown.


Embracing Change

Life always has a way of surprising us.

This past year, you got some good news. There were moments of celebration. But you also experienced changes brought on by unfortunate events.

Sometimes embracing change looks like screaming, and crying your eyes out and sometimes it’s all about quiet acceptance. 

Embracing change can involve grieving, letting go, forgiving yourself, or accepting new people into your life.

Adjusting to a Big Life Change? 6 Helpful Tips & 5 Inspirational Quotes→


It takes time.

Embracing change can take years.

We can’t rush this process. Along the way, you’ll learn new lessons, gain new perspectives, and find a new sense of purpose and meaning.

Embrace the beauty of transformation.


Look for opportunities!

It’s time for new beginnings.

It’s time to show up as a better version of yourself.

You now have the knowledge and experience to do things differently this year.

Journaling is a great tool for releasing beliefs and ideas that do not serve you, so you can focus on what truly matters.


Journal prompts

The following prompts will help you to live in alignment with your core values.

  • What is something I want to do more of in 2024?
  • What kind of experiences do I want to attract into my life?
  • What are my go-to tools for managing emotions in stressful situations?
  • How can I make space for more fulfilling experiences?
  • What does success actually mean to me?

Give yourself grace and focus on the positive things that happened in the past year. Practice gratitude for 2023.


Be ready to turn the page and welcome change.

Leaving behind the past doesn’t happen overnight. But you have to commit to letting go.

Whatever happened – the good, bad, and the ugly – all of it has shaped you into the person you are today. Your reality has expanded in unexpected ways.

Now, it’s time for you to step up and make the most out of your life.

Happy New Year!



Throwback: January 2023 Monthly Words of Encouragement

The new year is here.

It’s time to set a resolution.

Perhaps you want to lose weight, save more money, or finally stick to previous years’ resolutions. Setting a resolution with a “new year, new me” attitude feels great.


Well, let’s get real. Setting is easy but sticking is hard.

Life happens, things change suddenly, and you lose motivation. In only a couple of months, most of us abandon our resolutions.

It’s not ideal, is it? It’s okay. Nothing’s perfect anyway.

When you start working towards a goal, you will face many setbacks on your way. Expect that you will get distracted and feel discouraged at times. You will make mistakes. It’s normal.

After all, there’s a reason they say “to err is human”.

Amidst all the ups and downs in life, you need your support the most. You need self-compassion to figure out better solutions and get back on track.

Aiming for perfection will only make things harder for you.


Embrace imperfection.


Throughout the month, each time you have a self-critical thought, try to shift the tone of your thought to positive and change your perspective to acknowledge the things that are going well.

Be kind to yourself as you navigate the complexities of life.


Instead of constantly criticizing yourself for your bad decisions, or giving in to your doubts (e.g., “I’m not good enough to do this” and “it’ll never get better”), train your mind to focus on the things that you can improve using the lessons you’ve learned.


Don’t lose hope when things take longer than you would like.

By keeping your expectations realistic, you’ll be better able to find new ways to follow through on your goals.

Photo by Nataliya Vaitkevich

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