50 Powerful Procrastination Affirmations to Help You Stop Putting Things Off

50 Powerful Procrastination Affirmations to Help You Stop Putting Things Off

Are you constantly putting off tasks, telling yourself you’ll do them “tomorrow”? Then, once “tomorrow” comes, you still don’t do them… Well, this used to be me!

Procrastination is a common challenge that many of us face, often leading to stress, anxiety, and a pile-up of obligations that can feel overwhelming.

However, the power of positive thinking and self-motivation (and maybe a little bit of planning and keeping promises to yourself) can be harnessed to overcome this cycle.

And all of this starts with what you tell yourself: What we repeat, we inevitably become.

So, in order to become a past procrastinator (trust me, it’s entirely possible!), it can pay to start with a few affirmations to reset your mindset and motivation. In this article, we provide 50 affirmations for procrastination. Start getting things done and quit feeling overwhelmed; it all starts here.



20 Affirmations to Use Today

Have you put off tasks a few times? Feeling down on yourself? It’s okay; try these affirmations to reset.

  • Today is going to be amazing.
  • I make time to do what I need.
  • I love taking action and working toward my goals.
  • I am concentrating on my number one priority today.
  • I am excited to get this done and see results.
  • I can do anything I set my mind to.
  • I am equipped with everything I need to complete my tasks today.
  • I have the ability to focus on what needs to be done.
  • Every small step I take makes a big difference.
  • I approach every task with confidence and ease.
  • I take care of my future by focusing on the present moment.

I give myself permission to be imperfect.

I give myself permission to be imperfect. – Procrastination affirmations

  • I am unafraid to try and fail.
  • I may make mistakes but I don’t quit.
  • I can do hard things.
  • I believe in myself.
  • I can work so fast when I focus.
  • I can succeed at anything I put my mind to.
  • I love completing tasks.
  • I invest my time and energy wisely.

Related Article: Do You Procrastinate? 4 Things to Keep in Mind to Get You Going



10 Affirmations for Future Productivity

For the future, try these affirmations on for size. These can help you stay on track, stick to your plan, and thwart procrastination. 

  • Being productive brings me joy.
  • I am a doer; I take action and get things done.
  • I am able to focus and concentrate at will.
  • I am focused and determined to be productive.
  • Challenges bring opportunity.

I am the master of my thoughts.

I am the master of my thoughts. – Procrastination affirmations

  • My mind is clear, and I am focused on my goals.
  • I continue to improve my time management skills.
  • I plan and follow through.
  • I no longer procrastinate, but make time for rest and productivity separately. 


10 Affirmations for Motivation When Procrastination Strikes

Right before a task, you might start to have thoughts of dreading sitting down and getting thins done. However, with these affirmations, you can overcome things. The key here is to truly feel the excitement and readiness to complete the task; if you can tap into this, you can truly do anything!

  • My desire to get things done overrides my desire to procrastinate.
  • I will feel better after completing my planned tasks.
  • I am ready to take action.
  • I choose to be productive.
  • I am choosing to enjoy my work.

I am grounded, focused, and attentive.

I am grounded, focused, and attentive. – Procrastination affirmations

  • I am excited to tackle this task.
  • I refuse to put things off.
  • I can accomplish what I set my mind to.
  • My actions are my control.


10 Affirmations for Enhancing Your Self-Worth

A lot of times, procrastination happens when we don’t feel we deserve success. In other words, we might doubt our own ability to perform. Thus, practicing some affirmations of self-worth can boost your productivity and prevent procrastination. So, here are a few you can use.

  • I am a valuable human being and worthy of success.
  • I value myself as a person.
  • I deserve happiness and success.
  • I am confident in my abilities.
  • I am at peace with my past and excited about the future.
  • I embrace challenges and make room for personal growth.

I am grateful for who I am becoming.

I am grateful for who I am becoming. – Procrastination affirmations.

  • I am proud of the progress that I’ve made on my journey.
  • I am worthy of meaningful experiences and connections.
  • I trust myself.

Related Article: Procrastination: Are You Really Lazy? Or an Emotional Regulation Problem?



Procrastination Affirmations: Allow Room for Failure & Slip-Ups

It’s very difficult to flip a switch overnight. Thus, be prepared to have slip-ups when it comes to procrastination. However, focus on your goals and what you want; this can help overcome these procrastination thoughts and help you make strides forward.

Like Charles Dickens has said, “My advice is never to do tomorrow what you can do today. Procrastination is the thief of time.” 

At the same time, it’s also important to remember that there might be more to overcoming procrastination than simply affirmations. Taking action and developing healthy habits can also go a long way to overcome these challenges. You can do this!

Read Next: The 6 Healthy Habits I Used to Beat Procrastination: You Can Do it Too

Editor’s note: This article was originally published Nov 9, 2023 and has been updated to improve reader experience.

Photo by Jopwell

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