40 Inspiring Journal Prompts to Guide Your Deep & Personal Journey

40 Inspiring Journal Prompts to Guide Your Deep & Personal Journey

Keeping a journal can help you organize events and thoughts in your mind.

It can:

  • help provide more clarity
  • allow you understand yourself more
  • untangle any past trauma (even trauma that you might not realize or know is there)

Anne Frank once wrote in her journal,

“I can shake off everything as I write, my sorrows disappear, my courage is reborn.”

In a way, journaling is a way to cleanse the mind and experience a form of rebirth. 

However, starting a journaling habit (or any habit) can prove difficult all in itself.

  • What should you write about?
  • How can you dig deeper?

While most people who journal will tell you if you can’t think of anything, just write and that something will come eventually, we’ve decided to help you out by taking everything a step further. 

Here are 40 journal prompts to help you kickstart your personal journey and feel free from emotions that weigh you down.


5 Morning Journal Prompts

The morning provides a fresh start, allowing you to set the tone for the rest of your day. So, let’s start it off right with these morning journal prompts:

  • How do I want to feel at the end of the day?
  • Today, I am excited for…
  • What did I overcome yesterday that made me stronger for today?
  • What is one thing I’m grateful for?
  • What one action or accomplishment would make today great?


5 Mindfulness Journal Prompts

Maybe you want to become more present in the moment. These 5 mindfulness journal prompts might help get you there.

  • What is the story I am telling myself currently?
  • Who in my life makes me feel loved and supported?
  • I forgive myself for…
  • I am grateful for… (trait/characteristic/skill)
  • What is my life’s story in one paragraph?

Related Article: 5 Thoughtful Shadow Work Journal Prompts to Heal Your Wounded Inner Child


5 Daily Journal Prompts

Want a few prompts you can do on the regular?

These daily journal prompts can help you gauge where you’re at today and potentially help you plan out the rest of your day.

  • What moment in your day lit you up the most?
  • What was the most peaceful moment of your day?
  • What is one thing you learned today?
  • What are all the things you’re grateful for today?
  • If you could do yesterday over again, what would you do differently?


5 Journaling Prompts for Beginners

New to journaling? Don’t sweat it! Here are a few journaling prompts for beginners to get you started:

  • How do I feel? How do I want to feel?
  • What are some things or people that bring me the most joy in my life?
  • Write down what you did today.
  • What scares you the most? Why?
  • What are your biggest dreams? 


10 Self-Reflection Journal Prompts

Journaling is all about taking time for yourself and self-reflecting.

If you’re ready to look inwards a bit more, try these prompts on for size:

  • What makes you feel in control?
  • What helps you feel calm?
  • What is something you can do this week or day based on what you need right now?
  • What can you do to celebrate yourself today?
  • How do you practice self-acceptance? 
  • How do you trust the decisions you make?
  • How do you forgive yourself when you make a mistake or error?
  • What can you do to step outside of your comfort zone this week or day?
  • What are your boundaries? How do you maintain them?
  • What are opportunities that have happened due to challenges in your life?

Related Article: What is Self Love and How to Practice It


10 Journal Prompts for Self-Discovery

It’s time to dig even deeper.

If you’re journaling to try to understand where you want your life to go, these journal prompts for self-discovery can help you figure it all out.

  • What does your “ideal” life look like?
  • What character traits do you want to embody?
  • List 3-5 important goals in your life.
  • What is something you regret? Why?
  • Write a letter to yourself for five years from now.
  • Write 5-10 nice things that happened to you in the past week.
  • What is one thing you want to accomplish before retiring?
  • Name 3-5 people you admire. Write why.
  • What are your primary coping mechanisms? How do they help?
  • When you’re in a bad mood or state of mind, what things or thing can you do to turn your day around for the better?


Other Journaling Ideas

While you’re now equipped with the above prompts, what else should you know about journaling?

Here are a few tips:

  • Make it a daily habit.
  • Make it easy for yourself (plan for the time it takes to do or get up earlier).
  • Don’t feel obligated to answer questions. You can also just write down your current thoughts and feelings.
  • Consider making a bucket list/affirmations list/goals list/accomplishment list in the back of your journal, something you can refer back to for inspiration or motivation.

Grab these daily writing prompts and start journaling!

When you do, you’ll learn more than you ever thought you could about yourself. From there, anything is possible.

Read Next: Every Day of the Week Motivations & Inspirations for Your Best Week Yet

Editor’s note: This article was originally published Dec 4, 2021 and has been updated to improve reader experience.

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