7 Tech Motivational Hacks to Boost Your Inspiration

7 Tech Motivational Hacks to Boost Your Inspiration

We could almost say (almost) that technology controls our lives. And not always in a good way.

Many of us wake up to our alarm going off. We then grab our phone. Before we know it, we’ve wasted the first half hour of our day scrolling social media.

In many ways, technology can be both our greatest ally and our biggest distraction. And after scrolling social media, I don’t know about you, but motivated is the last thing I feel. 

Now, here’s a little secret… Most social media apps are designed so that people spend time on them.

They aren’t exactly created with our mental well-being in mind.

Yet, this doesn’t mean we can’t use certain apps to our strategic (and mental/motivational) advantage. In fact, with technology, we absolutely should take advantage of the goodness it has to offer!

So, how can you gain a bit of motivation in the modern tech age?

Here are some tech motivational hacks you can use to leverage technology in helping you progress toward your goals and get excited again!



7 Tech Motivational Hacks to Boost Your Inspiration

1. Gamify Your Goals with Habit-Tracking Apps

Remember how addictive Candy Crush was?

Now imagine if crushing your goals gave you the same dopamine hit.

Enter the world of habit-tracking apps like Habitica or Streaks. These digital taskmasters turn your to-do list into a game, complete with experience points, levels, and rewards. 

Suddenly, drinking water becomes a quest, and going to the gym is your ticket to leveling up. It’s fun and motivational.

Although… a quick tip here: Start small. Don’t try to change 20 habits at once unless you want to end up throwing in the towel due to overwhelm (or lose your motivation entirely).

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2. Embrace the Pomodoro Technique with High-Tech Timers

The Pomodoro Technique isn’t new, but pairing it with a sleek app can make you feel like a productivity cyborg. Apps like Forest or Focus To-Do time your work sprints and also have a bit of gamification, too! 

For instance, in Forest, you plant a virtual tree that grows during your focus time. Get distracted, and your sapling withers. If that’s not motivation, I don’t know what is.


3. Harness the Power of AI Writing Assistants

Feeling stuck on a writing project?

AI writing assistants like CHAT-GPT can be your digital muse. While they certainly can’t replace your creativity, they can kickstart it. Use them for brainstorming, outlining, or even generating quirky ideas.

It’s like having a brainstorming partner who never needs coffee breaks or complains about your taste in background music.


4. Find Virtual Accountability Partners

Remember how you’d suddenly become productive when your teacher walked by in school?

Or when your boss would appear suddenly at your part-time college job?

Well, why not recreate that magic with virtual coworking spaces like Focusmate or Caveday? These platforms pair you with a stranger for a timed work session.

In many ways, it’s like a blind date, but instead of awkward small talk, you silently judge each other’s productivity.

Kind of strange but also kind of motivating, no?


5. Use Mindfulness Apps for Improved Clarity

This has to be my personal favorite.

And if you’re looking for an app that doesn’t cost an arm and leg, try Insight Timer. You get so much for free in this app that there’s no going back after you’ve used it. Alternatively, there are other options like Headspace and Calm

These digital Zen apps guide you through meditation and breathing exercises, helping you find your center faster than you can say “om.” When stressed out, these can offer easy go-tos to help you find a state of calm and serenity once again.


6. Learn from the Best with Online Courses and Webinars

Motivation often comes from learning and growth. Platforms like Coursera, Udemy, or even YouTube offer a smorgasbord of knowledge on any topic imaginable. 

Always wanted to learn quantum physics or underwater basket weaving?

There’s probably a course for that. Recently, I wanted to take up a sketching course and found one with almost endless (not quite but it’s taking me a second or two to get through them all) lessons on Udemy. 


7. Create Digital Vision Boards

Vision boards have gone digital, and it’s not just for the sake of saving trees.

Apps like Canva or even Pinterest allow you to create stunning visual representations of your goals. From there, you can keep your digital vision board as your phone or desktop wallpaper for a constant reminder of what you’re working towards.

Related Article: 10 Sweet Apps for Finding Friends & Making Connections



Harness the Power of Tech & Find That Motivation

With these tech motivational hacks up your sleeve, you’re now equipped to navigate the digital landscape of productivity like a pro. Remember, technology is a tool, meaning it’s how we use it that counts. 

So go forth, update your mental software, and show the world what happens when human determination meets digital innovation.

Who knows? With these hacks, you might just find yourself so motivated that you’ll start waking up before your alarm (but let’s not get too carried away, right?). 

Ultimately, finding that fine line between scrolling social media versus using tech to our advantage is a bit blurry. But with a little effort, we can absolutely get there.

It’s incredible what you can do with technology, depending on how you use it.

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Photo by SHVETS production

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