15 Solid Ways to Help Keep Yourself Motivated 

15 Solid Ways to Help Keep Yourself Motivated 

Motivation is the driving force behind our actions, desires, and behaviors when working towards our goals. 

Motivation can be drawn from various sources, including:

  • internal desires
  • external rewards
  • social influences

However, there are two main types of motivation:

Intrinsic Motivation

This type of motivation comes from within.

It’s driven by personal satisfaction, enjoyment, or a sense of fulfilment derived from performing an activity or achieving a goal.

Examples of intrinsic motivation include:

  • pursuing hobbies
  • exploring personal interests
  • engaging in activities for the sheer pleasure they bring


Extrinsic Motivation

Extrinsic motivation, on the other hand, arises from external factors such as rewards, praise, or recognition.

It involves engaging in activities or pursuing goals to obtain external incentives or avoid punishments.

Examples of extrinsic motivation include:

  • working to earn a salary
  • studying to get good grades
  • exercising to win a competition

Despite where your motivation is drawn from, keeping yourself motivated is still going to be challenging from time to time.

But there are several strategies you can employ to help you maintain your drive and enthusiasm.



15 Tips to Help You Stay Motivated 

When you don’t feel inspired, you can always go back to the basics. You’ve definitely heard some of these before, but there’s a reason they keep popping up – they can actually help!

1. Set clear goals.

Define specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals. Knowing what you want to achieve at a particular time frame gives you a clear direction and purpose.


2. Break down your goals.

Large goals can be overwhelming.

Break them down into smaller, manageable tasks. For example, rather than having ‘run a marathon’ as a goal, break it down and have smaller milestones like running 5 km to start and gradually increase the distance.

This way, the goal looks achievable and work on small steps leading to the bigger picture. And don’t forget to take credit for every time you get a little closer.


3. Find your why.

Understand the reasons behind your goals.

Knowing why you want to achieve something can provide you with the necessary motivation during tough times.

The Motivational Mindset: Stop Waiting & Find Your Strong Drive→


4. Visualize success.

Picture yourself actually achieving your goals.

How does it feel? Are you happy? Proud? What does it look like?

Visualizing success can reinforce your commitment and keep you focused on your objectives.


5. Stay positive.

Maintain a positive mindset and surround yourself with positive influences.

No path is always clear and straightforward. Practice gratitude and focus on the progress you’ve made rather than dwelling on setbacks.


6. Create a routine.

Establish a daily routine that includes time for work, relaxation, exercise, personal development, and everything else that is important to you. Even if it’s just for 15 minutes, making sure you take time to do the things that are important to you will give you a boost and keep you in a good zone to hit your goals.

Having a structured schedule can help you stay disciplined and motivated.


7. Stay inspired.

Seek inspiration from various sources such as books, podcasts, movies, TED talks, or successful individuals in your field.

Learning from others’ experiences can reignite your passion and drive!

8 Powerful TED Talks That Will Blow You Away→


8. Take breaks.

Avoid burnout by taking regular breaks and allowing yourself time to recharge.

Breaks can help boost productivity and creativity in the long run.


9. Stay organized.

Keep your workspace and living space tidy and organized.

Clutter can be distracting and demotivating, while a clean environment can enhance focus and productivity. The nature of the physical environment that surrounds us shapes our mental state. 

Here are some tips you can use to declutter your mind. 


10. Have an accountability partner.

Partner with a friend, colleague, or mentor who can hold you accountable for your goals.

Sharing your progress and setbacks with someone else can provide additional motivation and support. An accountability partner will also help you keep going as they’ll be along for the ride with you.


11. Reward yourself.

Celebrate your achievements, no matter how small.

Rewarding yourself for reaching milestones can reinforce positive behavior and motivate you to keep pushing forward. Acknowledging your success also gives you evidence that shows what you are capable of achieving!


12. Adapt and adjust.

Be flexible and willing to adapt your goals and strategies as needed.

Life is unpredictable, and circumstances may change, so be prepared to adjust your plans accordingly.


13. Remember past successes.

Reflect on past achievements and successes to remind yourself of your capabilities.

Drawing on past accomplishments can boost your confidence and motivation to tackle new challenges. When you think you can’t get something done, look back at what you have already accomplished. 


14. Stay healthy.

Take care of your physical and mental health.

Exercise regularly, eat nutritious foods, get enough sleep, and practice stress-relief techniques such as meditation or yoga. A healthy body and mind are essential for sustaining motivation.


15. Get enough sleep.

I’ve noticed recently that there is an increase in the glamorizing of lack of sleep.

In some cases, sleeping is viewed as a waste of time that we could use to become more productive. That is not the case at all; we are humans, and our bodies require enough sleep so that we can perform our best.

Make sure to prioritize a healthy space for you to enjoy a peaceful night at the end of each day.

5 Sleep-Inducing Ways to a Cozy & Peaceful Bedroom Sanctuary→



Be Patient With Yourself

Staying motivated is not easy, and it will certainly not happen overnight.

On the hardest days, remember that it requires a lot of patience and some days will be better than others.

On days you wish you could have done more, be kind to yourself and remember tomorrow is another day to try again.

By incorporating these strategies into your daily routine, you can cultivate and maintain the motivation needed to pursue your goals and aspirations.

Surround yourself with people who understand your vision and offer you the support you need along the way – sometimes we forget how helpful the influence of the people around us can be.

Take one day at a time and remember why you started.

When you look back, you’ll see how far you’ve come. That shows you how much further you can go!

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio

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