What to Eat for Combat Sport

What to Eat for Combat Sport

What to Eat for Combat Sport

What to Eat for Combat Sports can be highly challenging. The athletes need to be appropriately trained for their big fights to perform well. They undergo vicious training, and with that comes a rigorous diet to follow. A combination of exercise and diet makes their body filled with the nutrition needed to fight well. Here are a few tips you can follow and get the best nutrition for compact sport and MMA!

What to Eat for Combat Sports  Nutrient Timing

As necessary, it is to bathe your body with the proper nutrients. It’s also essential to make sure that you take them in the right proportions at the right time.

  • Focus on Carbohydrates

You may have heard how proteins are essential when working out. But even more important than that is to fuel your body up with carbohydrates. After exercise, your body needs enough glycogens to produce energy. And better energy means better performance. Carbohydrates help reload these glycogens to make you feel energized after every workout session. Other than that, as a combat athlete, you must sweat all the time due to the rigorous workouts. So it would be best if you have sufficient carbohydrates to restore energy in your muscles and liver.

If you want to get in your carbohydrates through a solution, make sure to get 6 to 8 percent of it mixed in 10 to 15 ounces of water.

Add around 5 grams of creatine with your carbohydrate drink to increase your muscle recovery.

Protein Secretion Important For Recovery

There is a common misconception that protein and energy are related. The reality is that you need protein for recovery. For this, always incorporate protein that has high levels of leucine.

Being an amino acid, leucine helps with muscle protein synthesis. And hence with recovery.

  • Animal-based versus Plant-based Protein

To get the best amount of leucine into your body, animal-based proteins might be a better option for you. However, if you’re a plant-based protein person, that’s fine too. The difference is that in plant-based, the amounts of leucine are low. To have enough leucine, make sure to take its supplements, either in capsules or powders. Make sure to incorporate those proteins that serve 20 to 25 grams per serving to make the best value for your money.

  • Low Levels of Sugar

Make sure your protein has low levels of sugar content, as you need protein mainly for your recovery.

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What to Eat for Combat Sport Performance Supplements

No matter how vigorous your training is or how strict your diet is. Supplements are necessary to incorporate to prepare your body for fighting. Here are some supplements that you must incorporate into your diet:

  • HMB

It will help maintain your muscle mass as it’s a metabolite of leucine. So naturally, it will increase muscle protein synthesis.

  • Beta-Alanine

To undergo vigorous training sessions at the gym. You must always be energized. Beta-alanine supplements will help prolong your fatigue. With this, you’ll be able to spend more hours at the gym.

  • Caffeine

It is an essential supplement that you need to incorporate. Caffeine increases your pain threshold and gives you energy. Take this before every workout and improve your work performance.

  • ZMA

You need to let your body recover no matter what to perform your best. ZMA will help your body rest during sleep. It helps with muscle cramps too.

  • Nitric Oxide

Nitric Oxide helps increase blood circulation. Beetroot juice is the best drink you can take for your nitric oxide supplements.

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What to Eat for Combat Sport Conclusion

Being an MMA or a combat athlete is no joke. You need to prepare your body for all case scenarios, and for that, proper nutrition is necessary. These tips will help your body in the healthiest way possible.

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