Positively Uplifting Stories | January 6 2025

Positively Uplifting Stories | January 6 2025

 Your empathy, compassion, and kindness are needed in this world. Be proud of who you are!

Never stop being kind. Always choose goodness.

There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it. — Edith Wharton

Let’s welcome the new year by celebrating the power of kindness.

This week we have stories about:

  • Volunteers who celebrate the spirit of togetherness
  • A subway therapy that brings people together
  • An engineer who uses the platform method to improve rice yield
  • Kids experiencing the joy of giving


Positively Uplifting Stories | January 6 2025

Volunteer program combats loneliness through the power of connection.

https://www.<a class="wpil_keyword_link" href="https://www.youtube.com/@How2Fit" title="youtube" data-wpil-keyword-link="linked" data-wpil-monitor-id="4640">youtube</a>.com/watch?v=hXKAXgFRJsU

The holiday season can heighten feelings of loneliness among the elderly.

That’s why volunteers in Australia’s Northern Territory are helping seniors combat loneliness while spreading some Christmas joy.

A volunteer program run by Anglicare NT connects young people with those at risk of social or cultural isolation. 

Sue Firth, a woman in her 70s, bonded with Amber Yan, 31, over their shared love of music.

Playing guitar, visiting the botanical gardens, going shopping, and browsing music shops with Amber gives Sue something to look forward to.

“The wisdom of elderly people — they share experiences about living, and you learn a lot from them,” said Amber.


An art installation harnesses the therapeutic power of communication.

Participatory art installations in NYC subway stations are providing an outlet for people to express their thoughts.

Thousands of anonymous sticky notes form a colorful collage of hopes, dreams, fears and so much more.

Created by Matthew Chavez, Subway Therapy is a project that allows commuters to slow down and express and unburden themselves.

This project is helping people feel less alone, and also become exposed to different perspectives.  

“It’s very important to have these types of opportunities for people to crystallize how they feel, to be settled to know that people around them are friends; we’re not enemies,” said Matthew.


Engineer uses a new method to help farmers boost rice profitability.

Tam Pak Suew is promoting a new method of rice farming in Malaysia.

The 67-year-old civil engineer’s passion for agriculture drives him to work towards improving the overall sustainability of rice production.

His new project involves planting organic rice on floating platforms, which allows farmers to get double the yield of rice compared to those that were grown on soil.

With the platform method, farmers could plant and harvest the paddy three times a year since the soil is constantly moist.

Tam Pak Suew believes that this new method would be good for the country’s food security.

“Instead of developing a new area for farming or to increase food production, why not think of an alternative way, which is a shortcut and also much faster to produce rice,” said Tam Pak Suew.


Kids participate in an incredible act of kindness.

Young Secret Santas brighten up the holidays for those less fortunate.  

Derek Brown, a Phoenix elementary teacher, inspired his students to start a Secret Santa club and raise money for those in need.

The students raised over $10,000 to help people with groceries, bills, and presents!

This act of kindness not only changed the lives of people in incredible ways, but also instilled a deeper sense of compassion and empathy in the students.

“I want this memory to be so strong that it now drives them every day, in everything they do,” said Derek.


Wishing You All a Wonderful Week Ahead! 

Thank you for reading!

We collect these stories every week in the hopes that it will brighten your day, make you smile and remind you that there is goodness happening everywhere in the world and probably right in front of you when you stop to look for it. 

Don’t feel pressure to change the whole world with grand, sweeping gestures. Open the door for someone. Let someone in your lane when you’re driving. Tell someone they’re doing a great job or compliment their scarf.

Kindness can be small in effort, but gigantic in feeling. 

Have a wonderful week and we’ll see you next time for more Uplifting Stories!

Photo by Antoni Shkraba

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