Are Your Regrets Keeping You From Living Life Fully? How to Let Go

Are Your Regrets Keeping You From Living Life Fully? How to Let Go

I used to have many regrets that keep me feeling like I was swimming in shame.

No matter what I did, thoughts of being a failure just kept coming the surface. I was definitely not living life to the fullest.

Today, many people live an unhappy life due to their past circumstances and mistakes.

Maybe they had a dysfunctional family or made some poor decisions which left them with negative consequences. Maybe life just hasn’t gone as planned and the guilt and shame keep them huddled in the corner afraid to dream and hope anymore.



Do You Struggle With Regrets?

If you struggle with regrets, I want to encourage you, because plenty of people have also struggled and found freedom from these challenging emotions. 

You don’t have to let your past dictate your future any longer. You can make a conscious decision today to forgive yourself for all mistakes and others for all the pain they have caused you.

Release yourself from anger, resentment, fear, and jealousy. You don’t have to let one more day go by feeling down and depressed.

I know that this may sound too good to be true, but it is possible.

You can make a decision to let the past rest in peace. You don’t have to allow your thoughts and mind to be consumed with thinking about it. Learn to let it go and create a bright and joyful future.



How To Let Go Of Regrets

This may sound wonderful to you, but you’re wondering how to just let things go in an instant.

Is it that easy?

Well, the truth is that it will take some practice. The more the emotion of regret is etched into your brain, the more you may have to work at letting it go.

The first thing I want you to do is to close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. 

  • Relax. 
  • Feel your whole body just turn to Jell-O as you concentrate on breathing in and out. 

Now I want you to make a commitment to letting go of everything in the past.

I want you to say out loud, “I forgive myself for everything and I forgive others for everything.” 

Make a promise to yourself that you will do your best to let it go and focus on your present and future.



Take a Firm Stance

Dwelling on past regrets doesn’t usually create a wonderful future. 

You must let them go. You must take a firm stance on this matter. 

When you find your thoughts beginning to remember certain things, yell, “Stop!”  Then I want you to either remember happy things or think about your hopes and dreams for the future.


You can also begin naming all the things that you are currently grateful for. 

Being in an attitude of gratitude helps people to stay in a positive mood, so it is wise to count your blessings daily.

If you have done some things to others in the past that causes you to continually walk around in guilt, sometimes it is necessary to approach them in person or in a letter to apologize. 

A heartfelt apology goes a long way, and you may even find that the person has long forgotten the very incident that you have thought about continually.

We all do have regrets, but we don’t have to allow regret to affect our future in negative way.

Author Steve Maraboli says:

“We all make mistakes, have struggles, and even regret things in our past. But you are not your mistakes, you are not your struggles, and you are here NOW with the power to shape your day and your future.”



You Can Let Go of Regret

So, today, right now, know that you have the power to shape your life without letting feelings of regret or guilt interfere.

Sure, learn from any past mistakes or poor choices and make a commitment to keep focused on the present and future. Life is too short to allow the past to keep us in a state of continual regret and unhappiness. 

If you try these things and still find yourself struggling, perhaps reaching out to a professional counselor could be helpful.

They are trained to help you do some digging to see why the thoughts and feelings associated with regret or guilt are nagging you. It may only take several sessions to figure these things out and then you can let go of regret and feel much happier as a result. That’s an investment that’s well worth it!

Editor’s note: This article was originally published Sep 30, 2022 and has been updated to improve reader experience.

Photo by RDNE Stock project

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