12 Easy Ways to Show an Act of Kindness to a Stranger

12 Easy Ways to Show an Act of Kindness to a Stranger

“Kindness is doing what you can, where you are, with what you have.” — unknown

When we think about acts of kindness, we might automatically imagine incredibly sweeping and generous acts. Yet, acts of kindness don’t need to be anything big. The little things count too (if not more!). 

But if you have social anxiety or other circumstances, acts of kindness, especially for strangers, might create more angst than it’s worth.

Again, small acts of kindness matter. And here’s another thing: You don’t even need to interact with someone to offer kindness to a stranger. So, what can you do? Here are twelve ideas!



12 Easy Ways to Show an Act of Kindness to a Stranger

1. Buy the Person’s Order Behind You.

This might apply more for drive-thrus, especially if you’re not keen on interacting with strangers (I totally get this can create anxiety and stress). But, for instance, you drive through the same coffee joint every morning. Why not extend some kindness to the person behind you? Pay for their coffee! 

It could turn around someone’s day at the very start. It could offer a stranger some much-needed hope in a difficult time. And if nothing else, it can encourage another person to pass it on.


2. Spread Kindness on Social Media, Not Hate.

We all know about trolls on the internet. In fact, most of us have seen them. People lurk and spread hate; In fact, I’d say the internet is pretty saturated with these negative comments.

So, let’s flip this narrative. Let’s be one of the voices of random kindness within the intricate world of the internet.

When we’re browsing through social media (as many of us do), if someone looks great and we don’t know them, leave a nice comment. Spread some love!

And hey, it could even be on someone’s profile you do know. Either way, when you think nice thoughts about someone, voice it. This has so much power!


3. Donate to a Charity of Your Choice.

This might just help more than show kindness to a stranger out there! Before jumping on any charity train, I encourage you to do some serious research.

  • Where does your money go?
  • How does the charity work?

These are important questions to get answers to before donating. Plus, it can offer confidence when you do donate and perhaps entice you to donate more than you would’ve originally. 

Related Article: 5 Benefits of Being Kind – and We Need it Right Now


4. Hold the Door for Someone.

This is an easy way to show kindness to a stranger.

Let them go first.

Or if they are right behind you, pause and hold the door. It’s a simple gesture that’s highly underrated. But I’ve always had a change of tune when people have done this for me.

It’s like a nice reminder, “Oh, there are nice strangers in the world!” It can definitely perk up someone’s day.


5. Give Up Your Seat on the Bus or Metro.

Many of us have been on a crowded bus or subway. Luckily, we snagged a seat.

Yet, when you see someone struggling who may benefit from it more than you, give it up. Yes, standing isn’t as comfortable, but that reward for doing good will overpower that.


6. Let That Car Merge!

Okay, so this isn’t always appropriate, and you should always follow the rules of the road.

We never want to cause an accident or confuse other drivers. But many of us, especially in that after-work commute, can be on a bit of a power trip, letting no one merge in front of us. The truth is this can actually cause more accidents and angst for others.

Instead, if there’s an opportunity (and it’s safe to do so!), let the other car in. We are all desperate to get home, and one car in front of you doesn’t make a difference (But it might mean the world to that other driver!).


7. Buy a Meal for Someone.

Do you often walk by the same homeless man or woman on the street? Why not buy them a snack or meal this time? It’s much better than giving money since we don’t know their circumstance or what they may spend the money on. 

Plus, you’ll often find individuals outside coffee shops or restaurants in the downtown areas, so spread some kindness and get them some food. Even if they don’t say anything to you, know that you made a difference in their day.


8. Give an Extra Tip.

Bonus points if you leave a note saying why! And yes, we get it; tipping culture might feel a bit out of control.

But if the server has been very attentive and kind, why not give the the same courtesy? It doesn’t have to be big. Even a small percentage more matters, and can make a big impact in someone else’s life.


9. Ask Your Cashier How They Are.

We often go on autopilot as we go about our errands or daily tasks.

But this time, let’s connect with someone else. At the cash, strike up a conversation with the cashier. Ask how they are or how their day is going. This is a small token of kindness that might just give them a bit more energy to finish off their shift.


10. Pay for Someone Else’s Parking.

So, I know this goes against the rules a bit but… This might not even require you to pay extra.

If you come back early and someone is just about to pay for their parking, offer up your ticket that still has an hour instead. (Alternatively, you can pay for their parking entirely!)

This even works for some subway or metro lines; If you buy a day pass but only need one trip (and have done that trip), why not give your ticket away so someone else can make use of it? So simple and so easy.


11. Pick Up Litter.

Not into talking to strangers? Well, this one requires none of that. Head to your local park or anywhere you’ve seen litter scattered and pick it up. Commit to a garbage bag or two of clean-up.

This helps foster a clean and fresh outdoor environment for all to enjoy.

Read Next: 12 Ways You Can Be Kinder to Your Environment Right Now


12. Compliment a Stranger.

If you think someone looks beautiful or if you admired their actions, tell them.

We rarely get praised (often we get a lot of negative feedback in our lives), so this might just matter more than you think. It doesn’t have to be complicated. In fact, keep it simple.

Generosity: What It Is & What It Isn’t→



Show Some Kindness to a Stranger!

It doesn’t have to be anything big. It can actually take very little energy. But if we think about how we can foster positivity and kindness throughout the world and our lives, it’s bound to come back to us.

Plus, it helps us navigate through life leaving a bigger and more positive impact on the world than what was there before.

Read Next: 12 Simple Ways to Show Kindness to Your Friends & Family

Editor’s note: This article was originally published  Apr 26, 2023 and has been updated to improve reader experience.

Photo by Lara Jameson

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